Thursday, October 31, 2019

The nature of perfectly competitive markets Essay

The nature of perfectly competitive markets - Essay Example The paper is objective to present two ways of observing at what the perfect competition mean in terms of neoclassical economics. The very first focus should be on the lack of ability of one agent for affecting prices. This matter can be justified by the fact that one consumer or firm is very small if compared with the entire market and the presence or absence of the firm or consumer does not affect the equilibrium price. The hypothesis of impact of each and every agent on the equilibrium price was done by Aumann in the year of 1964. There are some differences between the approach of Aumann and the normal textbooks (Robert, 1966). The firms or consumers have their own power to decide the prices of their own products but the thing is it does not affect the market. Secondly, the consumers and agents consider the price as their parameters. The results of both the approaches are almost same. Another approach of perfect competition can be achieved in terms of the consumers taking advantage by eliminating the some exchange opportunities that are profitable. The competition in market increases when the arbitrage takes place in market faster. The average market price can be adjusted if the market is more competitive. It also depends on the supply and demand of the products. According to this approach, the meaning of perfect competition is the adjustments occur instantly in perfect ways. Firstly, the notion of the perfect competition needs to be understood. The following properties must be ensured so that a "perfect competition" is possible: many buyers and sellers homogeneous goods full market transparency prevails all market participants are "price taker" market participants have no influence on the price of the goods No transaction costs No taxes free market access In a perfect market, supply equals demand. Thus, there is only one price where the market is cleared. This is called the equilibrium price. On the basis of market transparency, it is not possible to achieve excess profits. This means no profits on the pay related factors (rent, interest, and wages) beyond production. The provider cannot rate any higher price because they would find no buyers and the buyer can not demand a lower price because no company in the market would offer a lower rate. A market consists of potential buyers, who determine what amount of a commodity should be brought into the market (O'Sullivan, 2003). The demand from retailers determines the supply of goods. The market is not tied to a particular place but can be seen as abstract. There are different considerations which are provided in a perfect competition market. The problem with perfect competition markets is that after the companies have entered or left the market, equilibrium sets in. This does not let profits to increase and all the companies involved are stuck in a situation with no improvement. A demand curve can be used to explain this. The following demand curve D shows the relationship between commodi ty prices and the quantity demanded by the consumer. The demand is determined by the price of the goods. Price is on the Y axis and quantity is on the x axis. Law of demand curve states that other things being equal; the demand decreases if the price rises and if the price drops. Thus, the negative demand depends on price. Demand curve refers to a single company, and measures the correlation between output and market price. The demand curve is not only dependent on the

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Describe how you understand ANOVA Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Describe how you understand ANOVA - Case Study Example In order to contain the error and compare all groups simultaneously, the Analysis of Variance or ANOVA may be used. The ANOVA is a statistical method that compares the variance associated with groups of scores and the variance associated with individual differences among scores in order to test the significance of the difference between groups (Guilford, & Fruchter, 1973). According the Bass (2007), the ratio of the variance between groups (which occurs due to differences in the treatments) and the variance within groups (due to individual differences) tells us the extent to which the total variance may be attributed to the treatments or group distinctions. The null hypothesis for the ANOVA is that â€Å"the means for each group are the same at a given level of significance†, while the alternate hypothesis states that â€Å"the means are significantly different from each other†. The alternate hypothesis is true when the variations in the treatment levels are not due to error or individual differences but due to the differences in the treatment levels. This concept is explained very well by Bass (2007). Although it is important that these criteria be met in order for the statistic value to be strong and reliable; a slight deviation from the ideal is acceptable as the ANOVA is quite a robust statistic. The ANOVA statistic is calculated as the F statistic, and is based on the F distribution of scores (Bass, 2007). If the calculated value of the ANOVA is equal to or higher that the F statistic presented at the stated level of significance; then we reject the null hypothesis. On the other hand, if the F value calculated is lower to the tabulated value, we accept the null

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Abstract Benefits Of Corporate Social Responsibility Commerce Essay

Abstract Benefits Of Corporate Social Responsibility Commerce Essay Corporate Social Responsibility is a term that has been very popular recently. It represents the obligation of an individual, or in this case an entity, to benefit to society. There is no longer consideration for profit only. Today society demands from companies to take care of them and the environment in which they operate. In simple words, Corporate Social Responsibility is a way of doing business by combining economic benefit with sustainability of the environment. Companies may contribute to environment in many ways among which there are: protection of the environment, by investment in social, educational or cultural programs or by getting the return on employed human resources. This paper analyzes the concept of CSR and it explains benefits that company may get if it pursues Social Corporate Responsibility. Key words: business, company, corporate social responsibility, corporate strategy, environment, profit, society. CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a part of business ethics. Ethics represent the process of doing things that are morally correct. By CSR, companies are trying to maximize their positive impact on society and to minimize the bad one. CSR is very important to consumers all over the world. Increase in pursuing the products with green characteristics is one fact that proves it. Previously, in time of communism (social economy), social responsibility and increase of living standards were basically the government issues. By accepting the open (market) economy and privatization of the companies, this also became the issue of those who operate in the market. Another reason is that people demands are much higher nowadays and government cannot deal with all of it. Companies also saw their chance of being different by pursuing certain so called socially responsible policies. Today, CSR represents a way of differentiation, a way of gaining competitive advantage in the market. Two main q uestions for the companies that apply corporate social responsibility are the quality of the management and the degree of impact of their operations on the society. The general social belief is that companies are the ones who created environmental and social problems by their tenure of people and nature through the centuries. This is the reason why they are perceived as those who are responsible for these issues. Francois-Marie Arouet known as Voltaire (1832) was a writer, and according to certain evidences, he was the first one that used well known phrase with the great power comes great responsibility. Later on, many artists, politicians and other people used this phrase in their speeches and it became a normal phrase for responsibility. In modern economy companies have the power so they should be responsible behavior toward the society in which they operate. CSR may be seen as topic that is a new one, but this concept was developing through many years. After the Second World War, people started to put attention on the issues of environment and social situation. From several influences, companies also started to think about this concept. Through the years, this concept became important not just for people in society, but also for the companies. Today, they see it as way of diversification on the market. It is become a tool to attract and retain the customers. Being socially responsible also gives trust to investors, and more of them are willing to invest in corporation with ethical principles. In the near future, it is expected for this tool to become a separate strategy by which corporations will be guided. 1.1 Objectives of the study The CSR is a very important topic and issue in today world. Many conferences are done on these issues in order to raise awareness and to make programs and mechanisms to deal with it. For the wellbeing of not just certain societies, but also for the whole planet, it is out of essential importance that companies start to use the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility in order to make the environment sustainable. The core of this paper is to reach several objectives. First one is define concept of CSR and those related with it. The paper will provide the information about development of this concept and what does it mean to today business world. Second objective is to analyze benefits that company gets by having social responsibility towards its community. Furthermore, it shows the potential threats when applying the CSR and it show negative the consequences that may come from avoiding social responsibility. Final objective of the paper is to show the challenges that societies and corporation are facing in the modern economy. 1.2 Significance of the paper The main significance of this paper is that it shows the reasons why to apply CSR and why it is important to the consumers. Further, this paper provides several real examples related to the concept. It represents a quality literature on the topic and may be used for other researches in the future. The main findings and information that are provided may be useful for students, academic staff and businesses. 1.3 Structure of the paper The paper is constructed out of nine chapters. First chapter, which is introduction, explains the topic, reasons and purpose of the paper. Chapter 2 deals with previous literature on the topic. Literature is based on definitions of CSR and relationship between CSR and business performance. In chapter 3, historical data has shown. By this chapter, paper provides information on how development process of CSR was done, which events have influenced people to start thinking about it and what obstacles it faced in its way toward the concept that is known today. Information about the approaches, principles and types of modern CSR are provided in chapter 4. Chapter 5 shows how CSR can be implemented as a strategy and additionally this concept shows the corporate manager tasks. Comparative assessments about potential benefits and costs of this CSR are provided in Chapter 6. In chapter 7, paper shows the main reasons why companies decide to implement CSR and how do they act in the market. Chap ter 8 deals with new challenges that are present in the market. Here, it may be seen how globally powerful company may use weak economies in order to gain benefits for themselves. Conclusions about the topic are given in the final chapter. CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Definitions on CSR Even if concept of CSR is a modern one that started to create a real shape few decades ago, some initial literature and papers that were including parts of this concept are dating from an earlier period. Barnard (1938) defined this concept as analysis of five aspects of environment: economic, legal, moral, social and physical. According to Carroll (1983) profitability and obedience to the law are foremost conditions when discussing the firms ethics and the extent to which it supports the society in which it exists with contributions of money, time and talent. He assumes that corporate responsibility goes far beyond the pure profit and that therefore it should take into consideration other aspects, mainly the social ones. Because it includes corporate citizenship, corporate sustainability, business ethics, shareholders management, environmental management, and corporate social performance, Visser (2005) defined CSR as an umbrella concept. According to Waldman (2006), company that practices CSR is the one that invests in employee development and empowerment. It is a company that shares information with its employees in order to give them better knowledge, so they could progress at the work. Guthey, Langer, Morsing, (2006) called CSR as latest management fad, which is referred to the fact that this concept should be developed even more in the future. 2.2 Relationship between CSR and business performance As a time passed, and concept has been developing and started to be used the relationship among the CSR and business performance has been changing. Previously, due to different economic regimes in the world, it was hard to find the evidence on relationship among these concepts. Even in certain cases, there was a negative relationship meaning that the money that company invests does not give returns. However with open economy and open competition positive relationship is the one that researches find mostly. Nicholas Overton (2009) in his dissertation wrote the following: even though some studies postulated a negative relationship (e.g., Vance 1975) or no relationship (Aupperle et al, 1985) between the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and business performance, more recent studies provided the empirical evidence that there is a positive relationship between those two constructs (Abratt and Sacks 1988, Russo and Fouts 1997, Waddock and Graves 1997). Miles and Munilla (2005) explained the reasons of using CSR model through the table which holded Van Marrewijk (2003) framework and Carroll (1991) pyramid. There are many benefits that can be obtained from applying the concept of CSR. Detailed information are provided in the main part of the paper. CHAPTER 3 DEVELOPMENT OF CSR Corporate Social Responsibility is often interchangeable with corporate ethics, corporate accountability or corporate responsibility. 3.1 Historical facts on CSR History of CSR is closely related to the history of the companies. Some specialists in the field of social responsibility, link the origins of concept of CSR with an ancient times. According to them, countries that were dealing with trade such as ancient China or Egypt, were putting importance on wider public interests. Through the time, this concept was evolving and while companies were establishing themselves as market driving forces, importance on social responsibility was slightly growing. Through the years many slaves were used. Children, women and men were all working for many hours in order to produce resources that owners needed. Many people died and got injured on their work places, while others were tortured. Among the first biggest events that showed that CSR is important is related to the end of 18th century and British riot against British West Indian Sugar Company. The reason was the slave trade and more than 400.000 of people signed petition against it. The first legislative body that made decision about ending the slave treatment was British Common House in 1792. Certain advance in the field of CSR was started in 19th century, simultaneously with Industrial Revolution. This was a time when many people started to work and being paid for it. This period may be described as the one of transition in people life; both in working and demographic conditions. However, CSR still was not represented as it should. In this time, the leaders of corporations were the leaders of societies. Most of them were using Social Darwinism as a policy to rule. This policy is related to selection and survival of the strongest. That was the way how companies acquired workforce. People were used up to the limits and certain social giving were done by subjective beliefs or will of the owners. From this, it can be concluded that approach to the society was not the company ones, but rather the individual. With the new (20th) century, the situation was starting to change. Many riots were happening and mostly the reason was dissatisfaction with working conditions. Large corporations were perceived as exploitative ones. These riots were resulting in new laws that were aimed to protect workers, societies and consumers. These were the first significant facts that were indicating to the future CSR model. In the following period, companies strategies were changing from purely profitable one to the strategies that were now looking to society and taking into consideration some other responsibilities toward the environment in which they were operating. The mid of the century was characterized by civil right movements throughout the world. The results were not the same in each country, but what is common for all is that these actions lead to certain improvements in laws. The focuses of people dissatisfaction in that period were once again the large corporations. From them, it was demanded to be more socially responsible. This was mostly related to the two facts; that corporations were mostly the cause of societal problems and that they had the possibility to entail themselves in solving those problems. People were demanding equal job opportunity and safety for environment, products and workers. All these initiatives are representing the large part of today phenomena known as Corporate Social Responsibility. In this period the line between traditional and modern approach to CSR started to be drawn. From traditional approach, that was representing the interests of the owners and stockholders, CSR started to represent wider public interests such as stakeholder (workers, consumers, inhabitants, and environment. 3.2 Sustainable Development The important thing that happened in the following period, and is hugely important today is Sustainable Development. In 1987, UN committee defined sustainable development  as a pattern of growth in which  resources  use aims to meet human needs while preserving the environment  in the way that these needs can be met not only for current situation, but also for generations to come (UN, 2012). It represents holding the balance among consumption, savings and regeneration of all our resources because not only current but also coming generations will be dependable on them. Sustainable development is a process of change and it has to start from each individual and it continues by transmitting it to each area of our lives. International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD, 2012), states that all definitions on sustainable development require that we see the world as system a system that connects space; and system that connects time. According to this institute, process of SD is constructed around two key concepts. First one represents the needs of poor part of the world, low budget people and those who live in regions where there is no or very little life resources. In year 1970, World leading countries made an agreement to allocate 0.7% of their total gross national income in order to help those countries which were struggling. Second concept represents ability of planet to meet future generations needs. Sustainable development represents a system of interrelated global issues that in future could threat to total collapse of the planet if people do not act in the present. On this definition, all international polices related to protection of environment are built. Since 1992 and a conference in Rio de Janeiro sustainable development became a leading term in field of politics about environment. From this point there is much clearer relationship among environmental, economic and social problems. Sustainable development implies: Consolidated use of resources Consolidated investments Consolidated technical development Consolidated institutional changes During the process the understanding of sustainable development has been spread to two more fields: economic and social. All three are making so called magic triangle of the process. From the figure above, it can be seen that only in a case when all three dimensions are satisfied, or that problems are being solved at the same time, country can reach sustainability. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is an issue that is working its way into many policy debates and corporate agendas. CSR is an evolution in the approach towards sustainable development; while the 1992 Rio Earth Summit focused on environmental management, the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) focused on a broader set of issues, including poverty reduction and social development. (IISD, 2012). Here, it may be seen how issue become important for the countries and how much importance is given to the topic. Now, people are aware of potential threats to the earth and they are trying to develop programs that may help in sustainable development of the world. CHAPTER 4 CONCEPT OF CSR 4.1 Approaches to CSR There are several perspectives from which people, organizations and governments look at CSR. According to Marrewijk (2003), there are three basic approaches to the CSR that were developed through the time. Shareholder approach refers to the one that is based on economic reasons. Main idea behind this approach is to maximize profit and to prong benefits to those who own the company. The centre of the approach is the company and its future. Those who manage should focus on well being of the company, to strength it and to find the way for improvement and expansion. Stakeholder approach refers to the approach that includes certain others parts of the company that are also important. This approach does not see its owners as the only ones that are important, but also puts importance on other stakeholders such as employees, customers, partners and others. It is taught that each actions of the company does not affect just the company itself, but also other entities that are connected to it. Societal approach refers to the wider approach of all. It puts importance of companys responsibility toward the society, because without society approval company could not operate. This modern approach shoes that company is fundamental part of the society so they should support and invest in it. When summing all, it can be distinguished that Shareholder approach is the oldest and the strongest one. If there is no will for profit neither of the other two approaches may be used. So, company should apply all of three approaches in order to satisfy each side that is affected by its actions. 4.2 Principles of CSR CSR is among top issues in the current corporate world. As already stated there are two sides of public view regarding this concept; one side is the one which supports it and the other one is against it. In order to evaluate CSR activities, in most cases, three principles are used. Sustainability as a principle deals with the effects that current actions have on future. Resources should be used in a way that they satisfy the current needs and that they will be there in a future. The best way to explain this principle is the example of forestry. For each action of cutting trees there should be an action of planting the new ones, in order to have those resources in the future. The big issue with this principle is related to the resources that cannot be planted such as coal, silver and others. Sustainability dictates that those resources should be used carefully and that programs should be developed in order to find substitutes that could be used in the future, when there are no more supplies of certain resource. Companies that do not care about sustainability will not survive in the future. If company represents the vital part of current economic system, it therefore should use the resources in the amounts that can be generated. Accountability refers to the principle by which company shows that they are aware of the effects that their actions may cause in internal and external environment. The most appropriate way of using this principle is to give knowledge to the parties which are part of environment (both internal and external) about the possible consequences of companys actions. Further, this principle may be described as a system of evaluating and reporting of measures taken regarding the actions done in the environment. In any case, benefits that are gained from those actions must be above the costs, for the company and society. Report should be understandable and available to all parties included and they should represent the situation as it is (information should be correct). Information should include quantitative and qualitative data and it should be explained in a way that ordinary citizen may understand it. Transparency refers to the process of providing the information to the society about companys business, results and others. This is especially important for the actions that affect the society. This principle may be described as the one that follows the previous two principles. It represents the process of societys familiarization with business of the company. If company uses transparent policies and ways of reporting, it is easy for people to get knowledge about sustainability and accountability of the company. As already stated, all principles are taken from CSR framework and that is why there is importance on corporate governance. 4.3 Types of CSR As the companies see CSR as diversification tool, they engage in many different areas by which they try to get more benefits. Carroll (1979) argued that companies have to look outside of their core responsibilities (economic and legal). In his work from 1991, he added two more responsibilities that each of the company has to take into consideration. Based on this, and further discussions, today Corporate Social Responsibilities is constructed out of four main responsibilities. 4.3.1 Economic area Through the history, the main responsibility of each company was to maximize the profit which means that they must reach their financial goals. This responsibility is called economic or financial one. It represents the most important responsibility of the company. Everything is dependent on this process (produce and sell). In order to be able to fulfill any other of the responsibilities, this one has to be satisfied, either company faces crisis, which may results in many negative events in the society. Based on everything stated, economic responsibility is at the bottom of the pyramid, since business which does not gain profit, does not stay in the business for long. 4.3.2 Legal responsibilities Economic responsibilities have to be reached in accordance to the law and regulations of the society in which company operates. So, corporations are operating in accordance to the rules imposed by the governments. Those companies who gain economic benefits with obeying laws are perceived as socially responsible. Customers perceive those companies responsible in the way that they believe that those companies use quality materials and production processes that pass minimum legal requirements and that their final goods are safe and will not harm the environment. 4.3.3 Ethical area of responsibility Those companies who are believed to be ethical are expected to do the right things for the society. Society expects them to reach their financial goals by doing it in a right way. Companies should avoid the actions that are against the society norms even if they are not forbidden by law. If we take an example of less developed countries that have not strict laws about environment protection, it is still not good for the companies to use it and harm society. 4.3.4 Philanthropic responsibility This area of responsibility represents the one where investments are made in society in which company operates. Philanthropic responsibility gives big credibility to the company. Society expects from those successful companies to invest the money in projects that brings benefits to them. Most investments are done in educational and scholarship programs, cultural programs, renovation of certain institutions, green fields, parks, sport centers and clubs and others. Based on these types it may be assumed that there are two forces that drives social responsibility: company and society. Economic and legal responsibility are more important for the company, while on the other side, society perceives ethical and philanthropic responsibility as the important ones. However, all of them combined make one important part of the society and each should contribute to the other. CHAPTER 5 CSR AND MODERN BUSINESS Strategy is a Greek word that has meaning of command or generalship. This term is known from ancient times, where battles between empires were done. This is mainly known as military strategy that is even used today. On the other hand, strategy is used in any other part of life. Corporate strategy is referred to the overall  scope  and  direction  of a  corporation  and the way in which  its  various  business operations  work  together to  achieve  particular  goals. (Business dictionary, 2012) Those who are charged for implementing of these types of strategies are managers of the corporations. Drucker (1986), sometimes called as a father of manager, defined the management as independent of ownership, rank, or power. It is objective function and ought to be grounded in the responsibility for performance. It is profession; management is a function, a discipline, a task to be done; and managers are the professionals who practice this discipline, carry out the functions, and discharge these tasks. 5.1 Principles of business process Drucker (1954), in his book Practice of Management, defined five main principles of management that are widely used today. According to him, manager or group of managers as leaders in implementation of a corporate strategy should deal with following five tasks. Set objectives This refers to responsibility of manager to identify what are the objectives of the company. Then, manager determines goals as a part of objectives, it opts for the ways by which those objectives should be accomplished and it introduces the people (workers) that will be part of implementation process with the objectives in order to have efficient work. By this, manager reduces possibility of future misunderstands of employees. Organize This part is related to the analysis of the decisions and activities related to purpose of the company. Further, manager divides work into activities and assigns people for each job. Through classification, these jobs become a part of organizational structure. Good organization prevents time consuming, saves money, makes more relaxed atmosphere and it gives more time to managers that can be used in the implementation process, which at the end demands the most commitment. Motivate and communicate This refers to the most difficult part of implementation process. Manager needs to be the one that starts the engine, the one that puts fuel in it. Team of people that were chosen for the job must be motivated. This is done through several ways such as pay, placement and promotion. The important part here is continuous communication with upper and lower levels of the company. Through this, manager gathers information and slightly directs people in a way that he desires. In modern organization, motivation is playing a big role. It is believed that through motivation several benefits can be obtained such as increased efficiency, easier way to reach objectives or better relationship among employees. Measure This is a part through which manager follows the process of achieving the goals and objectives. Two main part of process are evaluated: the process itself (is it a good one) and employee assigned for the task (are they perform well). So, manager analyzes progress and writes reports that are submitted to the parties involved in the process (superiors, subordinates and others). Also, good monitoring process give possibility to managers to react and prevent further damages, in cases when process goes in the wrong way. Develop people Since, especially today, people represent one of the most important part of the company their development is important. Modern, knowledge economy demands from people to upgrade their knowledge and skills each day and that they follow the current trends. This applies to the employees at all companys levels, including managers. Tomorrow, when company needs people for certain position it is much easier and safer to choose from its own pool than to bring someone from outside. The traditional way of management (business) planning is constructed in a very similar way. From the figure above we may see two additional circles to Drucker theory. While FIVE of his principles are sorted in four circles, there are two other steps that are included at the start and at the end of a cycle. First one is to gather information which is mostly related external information (market, law, competition). This step helps managers to assign better and more feasible objectives and goals for the company. On the other hand, evaluation plan refers to the step of having feedback, which is used in order to stop or modify the initial planning process. 5.2 Business as corporate strategy Today, CSR is referred as an integral part of corporate strategy. In the future, it is believed that it will be a separate strategy that may be ruled by independent department. To be profitable each part of business must be carefully measured. CSR gives certain direction, or maybe it is better to say that it gives certain performance indicators which create standards for the business. There are many examples of corporations that integrated CSR as a strategy into their business. Some of them are supporting educational programs, some of them cultural some of them are related to the environment. Nestle Company, from Switzerland, deals with production of healthy and nutritional products. Founded in 1866, today this company reports the highest revenues in the world. Among the most known products are Nesquik, Nescafe and KitKat. According to them, they incorporate CSR in order to get best ingredients for their products. It is done through continuous work with their supply chain throughout the world. They try to use the best technologies and practices which give them results of high quality products, loyalty of their suppliers and sustainability. Ethical behavior of top management is very important since it reflects the ethical culture of the company. According to Business Case Studies (2012) ethical behavior may: attract customers to the firms products, thereby boosting sales and profits make employees want to stay with the business, reduce labor turnover and therefore increase productivity attract more employees wanting to work for the business, reduce recruitment costs and enable the company to get the most talented employees attract investors and keep the companys share price high, thereby protecting the business from takeover. Managers represent the company and they behavior reflect companys image and reputation. Those who avoid this behavior, sooner or later, will face consequences of it such as customer disloyalty or sales and profits decreases. Case provided below shows how corporate unethical behavior can damage the business. From the case above, it may be seen how business ethics should not be applied. Because of this, Enron Corporation went to bankruptcy and if we take the example that somehow they survived this scandal, their reputation would be destroyed, providing them very low possibilities to continue the business (with customers and partners). Similar case, we have with so called Greek crisis, where government officials used so called creative accounting in order to cover bad countries financial situation. Such frauds and collapses of the some biggest corporations in the world have put even more importance on CSR framework. So, each manager should put attention on his behavior in the business. As ethical behavior is to do what is morally right, every individual in the business should try to maximize its efforts to do it like that. This is not just pure theory, but certain researches have shown positive rela

Friday, October 25, 2019

Homosexual and Religion Essay -- Gays and the Bible

The essay by Peter J. Gomes, entitled ï ¿ ½Homophobic? Read Your Bible,ï ¿ ½ can be analyzed in many ways. The essay discusses the issue of homosexuality as it relates to religion. The Baptist minister provides an unexpected approach to the subject. Mr. Gomesï ¿ ½s thesis statement in this essay is, ï ¿ ½The army of the discontented, eager for clear villains and simple solutions and ready for a crusade in which political self-interest and social anxiety can be cloaked in morality, has found hatred of homosexuality to be the last respectable prejudice of the centuryï ¿ ½ (ï ¿ ½Homophobicï ¿ ½ 414). This essay uses effective evidence to prove the thesis statement while also doing a good job of refuting opposing views. First of all, the evidence that is used in this essay is valid. In a formal argument, any assertion must be backed up with specific, compelling evidence that is accurate, timely, relevant, and sufficient. Such evidence can be data derived from surveys, experiments, observations, and first-hand field investigations or from expert opinion (White 5). Mr. Gomes mentions the verses in the Bible in which the information he is referring to can be found so that the reader can check the verse for themselves. This allows the readers to investigate deeper and form their own opinions. The evidence that he cites is taken directly from the Bible. The Bible is his primary source, not another personï ¿ ½s thoughts or another professorï ¿ ½s notes. In doing this, the information is more likely to be accurate and without bias. Three of the verses from the Bible that he cites are found in the Books of Kings I and II. After investigation, I found these verses to merely discuss prost itution, not homosexuality at all. And anyways, as M... ...backï ¿ ½ writing style allows the reader to follow his point closely without forcing it upon them. Mr. Gomes provides valid evidence to support his thesis statement in this argument. Overall, this argument essay is well stated and well written. WORKS CITED Gomes, Peter J. ï ¿ ½Homophobic? Read Your Bible.ï ¿ ½ Good Reasons With Contemporary Arguments: Reading, Designing, and Writing Effective Arguments. Lester Faigley and Jack Selzer. 2nd ed. New York: Pearson, 2004. 412-14. Gomes, Peter J. The Good Book: Reading the Bible with Mind and Heart. New York: Morrow, 1996. ï ¿ ½Peter J. Gomes.ï ¿ ½ 2001. Biography Resource Center. 17 Feb. 2004 White, Fred D., Simone J. Billings. The Well-Crafted Argument: A Guide and Reader. Boston: Houghton, 2002.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

My Two Cities Final

Africa, which is a third world country. Therefore, Livingston is less technologically advanced and there is a lot more poverty. Although it may not seem the greatest being in a third world country, Livingston definitely has some great perks. For example, it has Victoria Falls, which is one of the seven great natural wonders of the world. You can also go on local safaris there and see animals up close such as lions, elephants, cheetahs, hippos and so on. Orlando, has Walt Disney World, one Of the biggest theme parks in the world.It also has many other theme parks such as universal and Pepco and a lot of other tourist attractions. Another great thing about Orlando is that it is only about an hour drive away from the beach, where as Livingston is surrounded by other countries so there are no beaches close by. Orlando has a downtown, where there are a lot of sky scrapers and a mix of everything such as big corporations, restaurants, parks, and a nightlife scene. In Livingston, there is n o downtown or sky scrapers, but there is the area called â€Å"town†, which is where all the local businesses are located.Livingston is a very small city, therefore everything is about a five to ten minute drive away and every day the local businesses close around five in the evening. Everyone there lives a pretty slow-paced lifestyle. Orlando, on the other hand, is a very big city, where it can take up to half an hour or forty-five minutes to reach a specific destination and some businesses can be open up to ten or eleven at night. It may not be such a rushed lifestyle, but it is definitely faster paced than Livingston.Despite their differences, these cities can also be pretty similar. Starting off with the weather, although there are both on opposite ends of the equator, the weather is pretty similar with hot summers, rainy seasons, and no-snow winters. Another similarity is that both cities also have soccer teams, Livingston has a team called The Copper Bullets and Orlando has a new and upcoming team called Orlando City Soccer. They both also have reptile farms, Orlando has Coastland and Livingston has The Crocodile Farm, which were both my favorite places to go to as a child.Something new in Livingston is a all that they have built and also a new movie theater with comfortable seating and showings of 3-D movies, which of course Orlando has a couple of malls and movie theaters. Livingston may not have a big nightlife scene, but they do have couple of lounges and bars that are similar to Orlando nightlife. For example, there is a martini bar called Rhapsody's which is really similar to the Blue Martini in Orlando. The last similarity between the two is the transport systems. Most people drive cars, but there are also public buses and taxis which people rarely use.Livingston is an up and coming city, bringing in just as much tourism because of Victoria Falls as Orlando does from the theme parks, pretty soon there will be a lot more similarities between the two cities. For me, these two cities are my home. I believe they represent the best of both worlds for me. They are both very unique and also filled with fun stuff to do. Orlando is a busy life for me and Livingston is slow and more relaxed. I go back and forth between the two cities often and they keep me pretty balanced between their differences and similarities.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Patient Faces With Pre Eclampsia Health And Social Care Essay

On scrutiny her blood force per unit area was elevated at 171/107 mmHg. Her pulse 81 beats per minute, respiratory rate 15 breaths per proceedingss, and temperature was 36.4 & A ; deg ; C. Her piss sample showed ++ 2 albuminuria. There was grounds of hydrops in her face and upper and lower appendages and her lower deep sinew physiological reactions were alert but without any clonus. JB denied any ocular perturbations and epigastric hurting. On palpitation of the venters, the symphysio-fundal tallness was 38cm. The foetal prevarication was longitudinal and the back appeared to be on the right. The presentation appeared to be cephalic and the caput was 3/5 engaged. Electronic fetal monitoring showed foetal bosom rate at 135 beats per minute ( beats per minute ) , with reassuring variableness. There was no slowing and acceleration was normal. It was besides noted no contractions were present. Her prenatal attention had been shared between the infirmary and her general practician and was uneventful until she was admitted to hospital on this juncture. On briefly reexamining JB ‘s past medical history she has seasonal allergic reactions every bit good as long standing asthma in which she uses a salbutamol inhalator to alleviate her symptoms. JB besides has a history of depression. In her household history her male parent suffers from high blood pressure every bit good as cirrhosis and her female parent has a singular medical history of extended medical conditions such as high blood pressure, angina, and transeunt ischaemic accidents. Both her maternal grandparents had a history of type 2 diabetes. With respects to her societal history, JB works as a client helper and lives with her spouse. JB has ne'er smoked, and has non taken intoxicant since happening out she was pregnant. Her past obstetric history is singular for recurrent abortions. She had two abortions at 6-8 hebdomads and one ectopic gestation a twelvemonth and a half ago which miscarried of course at 10 hebdomads. The initial probes showed ; a normal full blood count, liver enzymes and creatinine. However urate ( 0.37 ) and the protein: creatinine ratio ( 44 ) degrees were elevated. JB is showing cardinal central symptoms of pre-eclampsia including high blood pressure, albuminuria, hydrops, and increased physiological reactions. A diagnosing of terrible pre-eclamptic toxemia of pregnancy was made, JB was admitted and intervention was commenced, with 10mg Procardia. With JB being admitted onto the ward, there was uninterrupted monitoring of blood force per unit area and foetal monitoring utilizing CTG. The following forenoon JBs blood force per unit area stabilised to 128/74 and JB reported feeling better. With her BP stalls and a reassuring CTG a determination to bring on bringing was made and she was given 3g prostin over three twenty-four hours ‘s. However there was hapless response and the neck remained stubbornly unchanged and so it was decided the babe would necessitate to be delivered via cesarean delivery.Section B: PathophysiologyPreeclampsia is portion of a spectrum of conditions known as the hypertensive upsets of gestation. It is defined as a multisystem upset characterised by the new oncoming of raised blood force per unit area ( ?140/?90 millimeter Hg ) and albuminuria ( at least 1 + on dipstick or ?0.3 g/24 hours ) after 20 hebdomads of gestation. Although the triping event originating the syndrome is unknown, a two phase th eoretical account of pre-eclampsia has been proposed. The primary phase is symptomless, characterized by failure of placental vascular reconstructing during the first trimester ensuing in decreased placental perfusion taking to placental ischaemia and release of placental merchandises into the maternal circulation. Consequently this initiates the 2nd, diagnostic phase, the maternal syndrome in which endothelial disfunction precedes the clinical manifestations of the disease including characteristic high blood pressure, albuminuria, and glomerular endotheliosis. There is besides hazard for developing the HELLP syndrome ( haemolysis, elevated liver map enzymes and low thrombocytes ) , eclampsia, and other end-organ harm. Phase 1 In normal gestation, following nidation, the surface trophoblast cells of the adhering blastodermic vessicle differentiate into an interior cellular bed, the cytotrophoblast, and an outer syncytiotrophoblast. The uniform cytotrophoblasts found in the interior bed can develop into hormonally active villous syncytiotrophoblasts, extravillous grounding trophoblastic cell columns, and invasive intermediate trophoblasts. The extravillous trophoblastic cells proliferate from the tips of grounding chorionic villi to organize the cytotrophoblast shell which line the uterine pit. Cytotrophoblasts continue to migrate through the uterine endometrium until they reach the coiling arterias, by which clip they have differentiated into an endothelial-like cell type. Endovascular trophoblast cells begin to reconstruct the coiling arterias by replacing the endothelium and smooth musculus cells ensuing in the devastation of median elastic, muscular and nervous tissue. These physiological alterations re sult in an increased vas diameter taking to the creative activity of a low-resistance arteriolar system and an absence of maternal vasomotor control, which allows the dramatic addition in blood supply to the turning foetus. In pre-eclampsia this physiological distension does non happen adequately therefore ensuing in placental hypoperfusion and ischaemia. The ischaemic placenta may take to the production of cytokines and growing factors every bit good as simulate placental programmed cell death or mortification, ensuing in release of humoral or particulate stuffs into maternal systemic circulation that promote generalised maternal vascular endothelium disfunction, climaxing in the clinical manifestations of pre-eclampsia. The invasion of trophoblast cells is regulated by factors expressed by the decidual barrier. These factors include cell adhesion molecules ( CAMs ) , extracellular matrix ‘s ( ECMs ) , proteases, growing factors and cytokines. Malfunctions in any these factors may take to hapless trophoblast invasion and later preeclampsia. Immunological factors play a chief factor in preeclampsia. Abnormal placentation may be the consequence of maternal immune rejection of paternal antigens expressed by the fetus. Normally HLA-G, a category 1B MHC antigen, expressed by the extravillous trophoblasts protects from natural slayer cell lysis. Womans who develop preeclampsias do non look to show this HLA-G and hence are non protected. Phase 2 The clinical manifestations of pre-eclampsia can be linked to the pathophysiological alterations that occur including vasoconstriction, activation of curdling cascade and decreased plasma volume. Development of high blood pressure is a primary characteristic of pre-eclampsia. During normal gestation, although through maternal physiological versions there is a 30-50 % addition in cardiac end product, the lessening in peripheral vascular opposition consequences in reduced arterial blood force per unit area. However, adult females who develop preeclampsia experience widespread vasoconstriction, increased peripheral vascular opposition, and decreased cardiac end product. Evidence shows at that place to be an overdone sensitiveness of the vasculature of adult females with pre-eclampsia to all vasopressors endocrines, best known is the increased reactivity to angiotensin II. This addition in vascular responsiveness is thought to be mediated as a consequence of change in the balance of prostaglandins due to the harm to vascular endothelial harm. JB BP when she present was 171/107 mm Hg. This is a well elevated force per unit area. Although unstable keeping and hydrops occurs in patients with pre-eclampsia they are besides a characteristic of normal gestation. Plasma volume additions by 50 % in unsophisticated gestations and normal gravidas sometimes experience hydrops. However in preeclampsia plasma volume is decreased by 15-20 % and in these instances adult females experience rapid weight addition and generalized hydrops as a consequence of an unnatural displacement of extracellular fluid from the vascular to the extravascular compartment hence keeping a low plasma volume and an increased interstitial fluid volume. With inordinate accretion of interstitial ECF, the presence of peripheral hydropss peculiarly in the face and custodies is seen, as in the instance of JB. Besides as a consequence of the lessened plasma volume, comparative hemoconcentration is observed in pre-eclampsia. JB heamoglobulin was 120g/l which is the lower bound of being high. Womans with pre-eclampsia besides have markedly decreased nephritic plasma flow ( RPF ) and glomerular filtration rate ( GFR ) . The diminution in RPF is attributed to vasoconstriction, whereas the autumn in GFR is related both to the diminution in RPF every bit good as to the morphological alterations in the kidney. These characteristic pathological alterations of pre-eclampsia are termed glomerular endotheliosis and consist mostly of pronounced puffiness of the glomerular endothelial cells sufficient to obstruct the capillary lms, with some inclusions in the capillary cellar membrane but with practically no alteration in nephritic podocytes. The structural lesion is accompanied by functional alterations in nephritic hemodynamics which correlates best with the magnitude of hyperuricemia and albuminuria. Early to middle gestation serum uric acid normally falls good below 0.24 mmol/l in patients with pre-eclampsia degrees frequently rise & amp ; gt ; 0.27 mmol/l as seen in the instanc e of JB ( 0.37 ) . A figure of surveies have correlated the rise in serum uric acid with the badness of pre-eclampsia and with the extent of glomerular hurt. Left untreated, pre-eclampsia can come on to life endangering paroxysms signifier termed eclampsia. Another peculiarly unsafe signifier of pre-eclampsia is the HELLP syndrome. This discrepancy is characterised by the sudden visual aspect of a microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, a quickly falling thrombocyte count, and ample increases in hematoidin and liver enzymes. Emergency break of gestation is needed to avoid hepatic or nephritic failure, sepsis, eclampsia, and decease.ManagementTreatment for high blood pressure in gestation nowadayss a alone series of challenges to the health care squad. An in-depth cognition of the adaptative physiological, psychological and societal procedures is required in order to take the optimum direction for the female parent and her foetus. Incomplete apprehension of the etiology in pre-eclampsia has hindered efforts at bar. However effectual and equal prenatal attention direction of preeclampsia has lead to the reduced mortality related to this upset. This includes early sensing and referral of adult females at high hazard, careful monitoring with bar and intervention of complications, and a determination sing timely bringing. Delivery remains the lone healing intervention for pre-eclampsia although the disease procedure may non decide instantly. After diagnosing, subsequent intervention will depend on the consequences of initial maternal and foetal appraisal. The chief end for direction of pre-eclampsia is finally to protect the safety of the female parent and prevent patterned advance to eclampsia and so the bringing of a healthy neonate. Although bringing is ever appropriate for the female parent, it might non be best for a really premature foetus. The determination between bringing and anticipant direction depends on foetal gestational age, foetal position, and badness of maternal status at clip of appraisal. JB direction was given in conformity to guidelines from Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Based on JB diagnosing at 36.5 hebdomads she was admitted to hospital with the determination to bring on labor and let a vaginal bringing. Observations of critical marks including BP, bosom rate, O impregnations, and respiratory rate were recorded every 15 proceedingss along with uninterrupted CTG monitoring. A 10 milligram dosage of unwritten anti hypertensive Procardia was given to stabilise her blood force per unit area before she could be induced. The exclusive demand to handle is to forestall the haemorrhagic squeal of high blood pressure, in peculiar intellectual bleeding, instead than change the patterned advance of the disease procedure. Antihypertensive drug therapy is recommended for pregnant adult females with systolic blood force per unit areas of ?160 and diastolic blood force per unit areas ? 110 millimeter Hg. The end of intervention is to take down systolic force per unit area to 130-150 mmHg and diastolic force per unit area to 80 to 100 mmHg. It is besides of import that blood force per unit area is lowered bit by bit to forestall hypotension as placental perfusion can be adversely affected and comprom ise the foetus. With a conservative direction program in topographic point and JB was stable, the BP was measured every four hours during the twenty-four hours. Other appraisals required in this instance were full blood count, liver map and nephritic map trials, which were carried out daily. There are many possible picks of antihypertensives that are appropriate in gestation. Methyldopa and Trandate are first line antihypertensive drugs used in intervention of pre-eclampsia. Methyldopa is a centrally moving alpha2 agonist that reduces sympathetic escape activity. Although it has a long path safety record, due to the common drug side effects of depression, in the instance of JB with a history of depression it was agreed an option should be used. The usage of Trandate was besides contraindicated in JB instance as she is wheezing. Labetalol is a non selective beta blocker and a selective alpha blocker. As both of these were contraindicated in JB instance, nifidipine was prescribed alternatively. Nifidipine is a type 2 Ca channel blocker which is normally used as a 2nd line agent in instances where blood force per unit area is defiant to intervention with alpha methyl dopa and beta blockers. It acts by suppressing the inward transportation of Ca ions from extracellular infinite and by the suppression of uptake by smooth musculus cells. Its primary consequence is that of doing relaxation of smooth musculuss. Due to the ability to vasodilate the vasculature with full reversibility on halting the drug has resulted in it going a widely used antihypertensive. Once the BP was stabilized, initiation of labour commenced. It is recommended that adult females in presence of terrible pre-eclampsia at or beyond 34 hebdomads ‘ gestation to be induced to forestall the patterned advance of the disease to eclampsia. Initiation of labour was stimulated via prostin E2, which contains dinoprostone. Its mechanisms of action are similar to the natural cervical maturation procedure. It is administered intravaginally to bring on cervical maturation by straight softening the neck, loosen uping the cervical smooth musculus, and bring forthing uterine contractions. There has been some argument of the usage of dinoprostone in adult females with a history of asthma ; nevertheless PGE2 is a bronchodilator, therefore non contraindicated to utilize, in JB instance. For adult females whom there is a concern about the hazard of eclampsia, it is recommended they receive Mg sulfate as a contraceptive to protect against ictuss, nevertheless in JBs instance it was held off. The MAGPIE survey demonstrates that the hazard of eclampsia is more than halved in these adult females. However, it is besides deserving observing that merely 1-2 % of preeclamptic adult females in the UK had fitted in the absence of anticonvulsant intervention. Specific cautiousness is needed when administering Mg sulfate when nifidipine has antecedently been taken as it increases plasma concentration and hence the authority of the drug. If magnesium sulfate is given, it should be continued at least 24 hours station partum, as the hazard of eclampsia does non decide instantly after bringing. Most adult females with terrible pre-eclampsia will necessitate inpatient attention for 4 yearss or more undermentioned bringing. JB was discharged on.. twenty-four hours after careful reappraisal of her clinical marks. She was continued on her anti hypertensive intervention, and was to be followed as an outpatient. JB was besides offered a formal postnatal reappraisal to discourse the events of the gestation every bit good as prepossession guidance.EpidemiologyPreeclampsia complicates about 2-8 % of gestations and may hold serious effects on the female parent and kid, which makes it of import menace to pubic wellness in both developed and developing states. Worldwide maternal mortality and morbidity from pre-eclampsia and eclampsia remain high, it is estimated to be responsible for about 14 % of maternal deceases per twelvemonth ( 50000- 75000 ) . Pre eclampsia is estimated to account for fifth part of prenatal admittance, two-thirds of referrals to day-care assessment units and one -fourth of obstetric admittances to intensive attention units in the UK. The cost of handling pre-eclampsia varies between & A ; lb ; 500- & A ; lb ; 10000, amount of infirmary stay, initiation costs, and manner of birth, and pre-admission costs. Due to betterments in prenatal attention in the UK, syndrome of eclampsia and development of HELLP syndrome is now rare. Eclampsia is reported in 1 in 200 gestations. Besides perinatal mortality rates are bit by bit bettering, due to progresss in prenatal attention, early sensing, improved anesthesia, early bringing and adept neonatal paediatric attention. Factors that increase the hazard of pre-eclampsia include nullparity, Afro-american cultural background, multiple gestations, fleshiness, chronic high blood pressure, molar gestation, household history of pre-eclampsia and a old history of pre-eclampsia.PsychosocialWomans developing pre-eclampsia are exposed to considerable sum of psychological and societal emphasis. These stress perturbations in bend may hold a important impact on the female parent and babe during the of import early months following bringing. Preeclampsia is a disease which develops without warning hence as JB reported, she found herself holding to cover with the unexpected and dramatic alterations in foetal wellness hazard every bit good as her ain all of a sudden. The diagnosing of pre-eclampsia involves a grade of daze, fright and sometimes even disbelief peculiarly to those sing it good before term. Shock comes from the fact that they were being hospitalised and felt unprepared for bringing. JB was really nervo us after being admitted to hospital as she and her babe were on a regular basis monitored and the realization of the serious effects the disease possess. There was besides a sense of defeat every bit good every bit disempowerment as JB felt she had no control over the state of affairs, and it was no longer merely a personal duty. These experiencing were amplified through the deficiency of sufficient information given on the disease, non wholly informed about her existent state of affairs, and on the medical determinations being made. There was besides an emotional load of experiencing responsible for developing pre-eclampsia and the guilt to the hazards it may hold propelled on her unborn kid. Other psychological emphasiss were demand of bed remainder, ennui and being separated from spouse during hospitalization. For those adult females who are diagnosed good before term, there is a greater hazard of prematureness. These adult females being unprepared for the experience of presenting a premature babe can be a major constituent of daze and fright experienced. When patterned advance of disease leads to complications, an exigency cesarean delivery subdivision which is normally performed can be really traumatic experience and life can all of a sudden be thrown into pandemonium. These adult females normally have less early contact with there babe and are less likely to breast provender as they are retrieving from surgery. For those who unluckily loose their babe, they will be faced with the complex and traumatic events of sorrowing. This sorrowing procedure can be coupled to relationship jobs as spouses normally grieve otherwise. Womans with pre-eclampsia are at increased hazard of developing it with subsequent gestations ; therefore it is of import they are advised of this. The experience of terrible pre-eclampsia may be overpoweringly nerve-racking. There is small clip to set to new worlds. Womans may fault themselves adding the load of guilt to the acute emotional pandemonium that follows diagnosing. Decision In decision, pre-eclampsia remains a planetary job and a clinical challenge. The mortality and morbidity for the female parent and their kid related to preeclampsia, and its complications are a major load,

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Top 6 Tips for Navigating a Problem Principal

Top 6 Tips for Navigating a Problem Principal Most of the time, we teachers live within the bubble of our individual classrooms. Once we close the classroom door, were in our own little worlds, rulers of our domains, and completely in control of how our day progresses overall. Sure, we have meetings and all-school directives and grade level coordinating and parent conferences and errands to run around campus. But mostly, were the only adult around for five to six hours a day. But, still, it would be reckless to forget about the wider school power structure and thus ignore the importance of a good relationship with an administrator. Dont learn the hard way that tension with an administrator can spiral out of control if youre not careful. Stop Principal Problems Before They Start Principals are people too, and they arent perfect. But, they certainly are powerful on an elementary school campus. So its key to make sure your relationship is solid, positive, constructive, and mutually respectful. Whether alls well with your principal right now or things are tense, here are some helpful tips from someone whos been in both a great and a poor relationship with various principals: If your relationship is going smoothly and you have a well-liked administrator, then enjoy your job! Life is good and theres nothing better than a kind and supportive principal which makes for a happy school full of happy teachers. Join committees, take risks, ask for advice and support, live it up!If your relationship is going well but youve noticed that many other teachers have problems with your administrator, consider yourself lucky and take proactive steps to maintain a healthy relationship with your principal. Dont be afraid to kiss up and do everything within your power (and common morality) to stay in his good graces. Try to fly under the radar and just make it through his tenure at your school. Nothing lasts forever and your goal must be professional, sane, and calm.If you sense mounting tension from a difficult principal, start documenting every event that occurs between you and him. Keep a log of all conversations, the subject matters, dates, times, and ​duration of his classroom visits. Your sense of a looming problem may eventually prove to be incorrect, but in the meantime, it cant hurt to protect yourself. If your principal goes on the attack and you start to feel victimized, stay calm, remain focused and polite, and work with him to create a plan to solve any problems. Set goals, be straightforward, and try to give him what he seeks. Youll sense it if and when he steps over the line. Until then, give him the benefit of the doubt and show due respect. If you do not yet have a permanent or tenured position at this school or district, you must go above and beyond the call of duty to solve this problem and make it right.If it becomes clear that your principal is overstepping his bounds or preventing you from properly performing your teaching duties, consider talking to your union representative. Chances are, the union rep will already have fielded other complaints about this administrator. As long as you are a sane and goodhearted professional, it will rarely be you who brings up the first complaint about a given individual. Learn about your protected rights and make a plan with the union rep to clear the air and come to a new understanding with the administrator. If the problem does not improve over time with mediation and patience, then you can always request a transfer to another campus. You may also choose to eventually mentally relinquish the stress over this situation and continue to focus your positive energies on the most important people in the school: your young students who need you! Give them everything you have and before you know it, your problem administrator will likely be moving on to another assignment or the tensions will naturally dissipate as he moves on to a new target. As you can see, there are varying degrees of principal problems and it will require your good judgment to decide on a course of action.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Gen X essays

Gen X essays We Do Not Xactly Care About the Government What is the point of the government? This is a question I often ask myself. I am a member of Generation X, or so I've been labeled since I was born in 1981. I have been labeled as lazy, irresponsible, and apathetic. One of those words applies to me right now, and that is my apathy toward the government. At this time in my life it does not matter what happens in the government, it will continue to run without my input. Perhaps our indifference toward the government is one of the many "problems" with my generation. There are many reasons why young people do not vote, or get involved in political actions. They range from apathy to just plain not having enough time. One of the larger reasons is that most candidates are much older then those 18-25. Generation X has lead a different life style since birth then those of older generations. We like different music, different movies, there is not much we have in common. Generation X has grown up in a world of money and quickly changing technology. In order to be the President of the United States of America, one must be thirty-five years old. Automatically that is at least a ten-year age difference between the two groups. There is an ever growing generation gap between candidates and youthful voters. In the case of the 1996 Presidential election, Bob Dole was in his seventies, my grandfather is not even seventy. Bob Dole and many other candidates in recent and past years have had trouble relating to Generation X and vice versa. Another reason why Xers are turning away from the government is lack of political education. The last of the Generation Xers will be entering college in the 2000-2001 school year, to most of us college is much more important then politics. I know if I had the option of watching a presidential debate or studying, I would opt for the studying. At this point in my life getting good grades is a lot m...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

32 Famous Quotes by the 40th President Ronald Reagan

32 Famous Quotes by the 40th President Ronald Reagan Ronald Reagan served two terms as President of the United States, from 1981 to 1989. He was also the oldest person ever elected President, which was an issue during both elections. Known as the Great Communicator, Reagan is often remembered for his quick wit and storytelling. Below you will find some of the funnier and more famous quotes by Ronald Reagan. Reagans Philosophy of Life My philosophy of life is that if we make up our mind what we are going to make of our lives, then work hard toward that goal, we never lose - somehow we win out.All great change in America begins at the dinner table. (Farewell Address to the Nation, delivered in the Oval Office on January 11, 1989)Life is one grand, sweet song, so start the music.I now begin the journey that will lead me into the sunset of my life. I know that for America there will always be a bright dawn ahead. (From Reagans letter announcing his Alzheimers disease to the American public on November 5, 1994)When you cant make them see the light, make them feel the heat.Education is not the means of showing people how to get what they want. Education is an exercise by means of which enough men, it is hoped, will learn to want what is worth having.Its true hard work never killed anybody, but I figure, why take the chance? (Gridiron Dinner on April 22, 1987) Well, Im Not Going to Make Age an Issue I did turn 75 today - but remember, thats only 24 Celsius. (Reagan right before he signed the Annual Economic Report of the President (February 6, 1986)Thomas Jefferson once said, We should never judge a president by his age, only by his works. And ever since he told me that, I stopped worrying.I want you to know that also I will not make age an issue of this campaign. I am not going to exploit, for political purposes, my opponents youth and inexperience. (During the Second Presidential Debate against Walter Mondale on October 21, 1984) Funny Quips as President I have left orders to be awakened at any time in case of national emergency, even if Im in a cabinet meeting.Before I refuse to take your questions, I have an opening statement.How can a president not be an actor? (Response by Ronald Reagan when asked by a reporter How can an actor run for President? during the presidential campaign in 1980) Humor Even After Being Shot Please tell me youre all Republicans. (Comment by Ronald Reagan to the surgeons who were about to operate on him after the assassination attempt on March 30, 1981)Honey, I forgot to duck. (Comment made by Ronald Reagan to his wife, Nancy Reagan, when she arrived at the hospital following the assassination attempt on March 30, 1981) Albert Einstein, Your Virtue, and Your Neighbors Job: Reagans View of Taxes and Economics Even Albert Einstein reportedly needed help on his 1040 form. (Address to the Nation on Tax Reform on May 28, 1985)A recession is when a neighbor loses his job. A depression is when you lose yours. And recovery is when Jimmy Carter loses his. (Labor Day Address at Liberty State Park, Jersey City, New Jersey on September 1, 1980)Balancing the budget is a little like protecting your virtue: You just have to learn to say no. (Remarks at Kansas State University at the Alfred M. Landon Lecture Series on Public Issues on September 9, 1982)Governments view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it. (Remarks to the White House Conference on Small Business on August 15, 1986) Tear Down This Wall! Communism and the Soviet Union Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate. Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall! (Speech at the Berlin Wall on June 12, 1987)How do you tell a Communist? Well, its someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? Its someone who understands Marx and Lenin. (Remarks at the Annual Convention of Concerned Women for America held at the Crystal Gateway Marriott Hotel in Arlington, Virginia on September 25, 1987)If the Soviet Union let another political party come into existence, they would still be a one-party state, because everybody would join the other party. (Remarks to Polish Americans in Chicago, Illinois on June 23, 1983)I call upon the scientific community in our country, those who gave us nuclear weapons, to turn their great talents now to the cause of mankind and world peace, to give us the means of rendering these nuclear weapons impotent and obsolete. (Address to the Nation on National Security on March 23, 1983) Politics as a Profession Republicans believe every day is the Fourth of July, but the democrats believe every day is April 15.You know, it has been said that politics is the second oldest profession and Ive come to realize over the last few years, it bears a great similarity to the first. (Speech at Hillsdale College, Hillsdale, Michigan on November 10, 1977)Politics is not a bad profession. If you succeed there are many rewards, if you disgrace yourself you can always write a book. Government Is the Problem Governments first duty is to protect the people, not run their lives.​ (Speaking at the National Conference of the Building and Construction Trades, AFL-CIO on March 30, 1981)Government does not solve problems; it subsidizes them.Government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem. (First Inaugural Address on January 20, 1981)Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other. (Reagan during his gubernatorial campaign in 1965)Government always finds a need for whatever money it gets. (Address to the Nation on the Fiscal Year 1983 Federal Budget on April 29, 1982) Abortion Ive noticed that everybody that is for abortion has already been born. (During the Anderson-Reagan Presidential Debate in Baltimore on September 21, 1980)

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Socially Responsible Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Socially Responsible Marketing - Essay Example However, another view is that most companies value their reputation and would not endanger their goodwill by making false claims.Moreover,action by enforcers like regulatory bodies or private lawsuits by competitors-even if penalties and damages are not ordered-are costly. Investigations by regulatory bodies or private lawsuits can easily exceed the profits derived from deceptive marketing. Such suits distract company execuitives, further increasing the cost of an ad already challenged as deceptive. These costs damage the reputation and goodwill, result in exorbitant legal fees and distract company executives.Therfore such repercussions induce the marketers to carefully review their ad claims and ensure that they are true and fully substantiated. Anti tobacco campaigns accelerated in the late eighties when litigation exposed a long history of deceit carried out by industry officials regarding their knowledge about the damaging health effects of tobacco use including the deliberate use of new ingredients to enhance the addictive power of cigarettes. This revelation adversely affected the credibility of producers and marketers and brought to light their fallacious claims about the informed and free choice of customers.Likewise, allegations have been leveled against the fast food industry about inadequate disclosures and misleading advertising. Innumerable lawsuits have contended that the fast food marketers do not provide adequate or accurate information about the fat, sugar and the chemical contents of their products. It was also the core point of the argument by Cesar Barber, who filed legal claims challenging McDonalds, Burger King, Wendy's and KFC for his excessive, life threatening weight.(source) In this context, it will be pertinent to examine the marketing policies of largest beverage company in the world. Coca Cola, a very assertive and uncompromising advertiser. Historically cola has been seen as a harmful product, inextricably linked with obesity and rapid bone loss. Like most FMCG companies, Coca Cola is an aggressive marketer with colossal ad budgets, usually roping in celebrity spokespersons. The Case of Coca Cola Another noteworthy aspect is marketing targeted by companies at young impressionable children. Besides conventional advertising, Coca Cola had rolled out ad campaigns aimed at young children. In 1998, Coca Cola came under criticism for its efforts to secure exclusive vending contracts with public schools across America. The promotional campaigns included contests like 'Team up with Coca Cola contest'. The event involved lectures by Coke executives. The company came under fierce criticism for targeting schoolchildren and commercializing school hallways to make them just another place to sell soft drinks. It was also revealed that the Company had promised under funded public schools for the possibility of cash or sporting equipments in exchange of exclusive rights to sell Coke. Such marketing policies of aggressively pursuing the youth as the potential customers seriously undermine and threaten public health. The concern over public health has mobilized a number of groups to hold Coke accountable for its unsavory practices of targeting youth. Opponents of Coke's marketing campaign cite rapidly increasing obesity and diabetes among the US students. Insecticide contents and Environmental

Friday, October 18, 2019

Advertising and public relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Advertising and public relations - Essay Example In relation to the present global business environment, it can frequently be observed that marketing activities along with Public Relations (PR) are concurrently deemed as a major focused area. In relation to the various observations from different scholars, it can be said that PR is one of the major, effective as well as versatile tools of marketing communication which enables to enhance the efficiency of each marketing activity. It can be executed both in the internal as well as in the external environment of the organisation. According to the present day context, advertising can be regarded as one of the major marketing activities, which frequently involves various functions of PR. It is increasingly observed that the organisations in the present business environment have become quite prone to face different PR related issues in terms of executing campaigns for their products within the global markets (Zerfass & Duhring, 2012). Emphasising upon the major influence or impact of PR in the advertising and other product campaign activities, the main objective of this report is to discuss an issue which was raised by Greenpeace with the aid of a PR campaign against Nestle. The product which had been focused upon in the PR campaign was Kit Kat, a leading product offering of Nestle. The assault on the established brand of Kit Kat occurred in the year 2010 (Greenpeace, n.d.). Consequently, based on the assessment of the situation faced by Nestle (especially Kit Kat brand) due to the PR campaign, the discussion of this report will be focused on developing an effective PR strategy which can enable Kit Kat to efficiently address different PR concerning issues. Moreover, the discussion in this report will further focus on developing methods of evaluating the PR plan for Kit Kat in the respective area or market. Situational Analysis In relation to the PR issue that was faced by Kit Kat, a globally well-known product of Nestle, it has been observed that Greenpeace, an org anisation which acted as a pressure group, depicted the rather dismal state of affairs which was surrounding behind the gleam and shine of a widely preferred product such as Kit Kat (Shreeves, 2010). Through the dynamic PR campaign, Greenpeace wanted to depict that Kit Kat, a renowned product of Nestle family includes a higher usage of palm oil which is generally derived from Indonesian rain forests, resulting in significant deforestation. The extensive use of palm oil by the company has been significantly threatening the livelihood of the local people in places such as Indonesia as well as it is also drastically endangering inhabitants such as orang-utan towards destruction (Guardian News and Media Limited, 2013). In this regard, the extensive use of palm oil or continuous deforestation initiatives of Nestle has been criticised by Greenpeace. Therefore, in order to take immediate measures towards the deforestation initiatives, Nestle has developed its business plan which ensures to take away the suppliers or companies from its supply chain that are likely to practice deforestation (Greenpeace, n.d.). Greenpeace can be considered as one of the major non-profit organisations, which tends to protect natural environment from a range of organisational activities. Greenpeace is considerably focusing on alleviating numerous issues with regard to different environmental concerns that include global

The future of the human evolution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The future of the human evolution - Essay Example In his book, Darwin of the eighties, sought to explain the evolution of man as a process of natural selection. Darwin proposes four components of natural selection. First, he argues that characters within a population exhibit variations in appearance and conduct. This may be in terms of height, skin color or even body size. Darwin also talks about heritable traits, which are passed on from parents to offspring as opposed to traits powered by environmental conditions. His third component concerns population growth, which at times leads to mortality in cases where the resources cannot support the high population. The fourth component is derived from the third, in which Darwin argues that individuals with desirable traits will always survive in such an environment and give rise the next generation. This is known as natural selection, in which individuals struggle to survive and nature favors the strong. Based on this theory, human beings then have a high chance of evolving, powered by t he advancement in technological innovations, which will enable them survive. Variations among individuals within a population are occasioned by genetic differences. Genes are the materials through which traits are inherited from parents to offspring. ... Not all mutations are detrimental: a mutation in the brain of the Australopithecus enabled him to develop a larger brain and evolve into a hominid. Technological knowhow, however, has been seen to interfere with natural selection. Today, medics have come up with medicine to prolong the lives of mutants, thus encouraging the survival of weaklings which ultimately affects future generations. This means that individuals with desirable traits might mate with mutants and bring forth changes in the human race. This will lead to evolution, which will be occasioned by mutation. Consequently, future generations of human beings might not be able to survive. This not withstanding, not all mutations are negative. Some mutations may be advantageous to the human race. This perception has led to medical practitioners trying to come up with genetically modified human beings known as clones. These clones are designed to have all the positive attributes of their original humans and thus be more suitab ly adapted to live on earth. Human migration might also affect future evolution in terms of gene flow, which is a process of interbreeding between different populations of a given species (Mayr pp.55). When a person migrates from his original place of birth to go to another country, he is bound to start a family with the local people. This leads to the emergence of a new breed of people carrying the genes of both parents. An example of this is the era of the trans-Atlantic trade in which, many able bodied African men were shipped off to the United States to work as slaves. They later married the local women and gave rise to the African Americans. The latter were seen to have inherited most of

Introduction to International Accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Introduction to International Accounting - Essay Example It had started its operation with single fleet and three flights per week and presently it spreads its span to 99 destinations over 39 countries. The organisation had commenced its business with the name of Malaysia-Singapore Airlines in the year 1947. After 25 years, in the year of 1972, the Airlines had split into two entities, named as Singapore Airlines and Malaysian Airline System. The Singapore Airlines was the first to provide the complimentary headsets and free drinks. In addition to it, their latest innovation of providing in-flight telecommunication services made them pioneer in this service. Eventually, it can be stated that the history of the organisation was the witness of the quality services (Singapore Airlines, 2011). The Singapore Airlines is a unit of Singapore Government. The holding company of the organisation is Temasek Holdings which acquires 54.5% of voting stock. The organisation has adopted an effective strategy of diversification. It has been diversified into related sectors and industries. Hence, it can be stated the organisation has gone for the horizontal diversification (Singapore Airlines, 2007). The financial statements of the organisation indicates that during the period of economic downturn the organisation was not managed properly as the profit had became negative in the financial year 2009. But there after, SIA has controlled the organisation effectively as drastic changes in the financial performance have been noticed. Report published by Statistical Commission (2008) had defined the concept of balance sheet. The report had considered the balance sheet as the statement which has drawn up the values of the assets owned and the liabilities owed by an organisation or a group of organisations, based on a particular point of time. A balance sheet is able to show the ways of best meeting the liabilities. Moreover, comparing the fixed assets and the current assets of a balance sheet, it can be determined

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Airline industrial analysis Statistics Project Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Airline industrial analysis - Statistics Project Example An overview of the companies is followed. As Canadas leading airline, Air Canada obliges about 165 destinations, in Canada, US, Asia/Pacific region and Europe. Together with regional affiliate Jazz, the carrier operates a fleet of nearly 330 aircrafts. It extends its grid as part of the Star Alliance global marketing group, which is managed by United Continentals United Airlines and Continental, and Lufthansa. In addition to its passenger business in both international and national markets, Air Canada provides cargo services. (, 23.03.2011) Flying to about 60 destinations at home and another 100 in about 40 countries, Qantas Airways is Australia’s #1 airline. Qantas has ownership of the regional carrier QantasLink and the low-fare carrier Jetstar. Both operate in Australia and the Asia/Pacific region. The Qantas fleet includes almost 230 aircrafts, and generates revenue from cargo, catering, and tourism operations as well. (, 23.03.2011) According to the industry structure, based on federal oversight and the size and purpose of air carriers, both companies are categorized as Major Airlines (, 23.03.2011). Although the same industry, the comparison companies’ target markets do not entirely overlap e.g. regional differences, spending power of customers, etc. Their capacity levels are also not equal (e.g. Air Canada operates 330 aircrafts while Qantas operates only 230). Thus comparison analysis purposes it is assumed that the both companies operate with equal capacity in similar conditions. Based on the opportunities available for gaining advantages, airline industry is positioned in the ‘Fragmented’ section of the BCG matrix (Table 1). This explains that even though there are many opportunities for differentiation the opportunity for sustainable competitive advantage is slim. As the competitors achieves the same advantage in a very short period of time disabling its competitiveness. Thus

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Marketing Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Marketing Research - Essay Example This research identifies a marketing idea for Live Healthy Eat Fresh Company, which is a specialized diet center that provides a complete nutritional plan, preparing dieters and normal people to set clear goals for weight loss or healthy lifestyle. The market research analyzes the market situation of the aforementioned organization, in terms of competitive forces and environmental forces. Also, in this marketing research, issues pertaining to the target market, positioning, marketing mix, budget, external and internal factors and controls for the company have been evaluated and analyzed. First Part Business Live Healthy Eat Fresh is a diet center which provides unique, healthy food. The center provides a complete nutritional plan, preparing dieters and normal people to set clear goals for weight loss or healthy lifestyle, foreseeing roaring appetite and "need to eat" moods and anticipating conduct to deal with them. The enterprise ensures that clients are welcomed by trained personne l to ensure that their welfare and satisfaction are addressed sufficiently. Through qualified and certified dietitians, Live Healthy Eat Fresh is committed to help its customers modify their standard way of eating and transform it into a healthier one. The main aim of Live Healthy Eat Fresh is to provide a unique healthy food with the best ingredients. To achieve this goal, Live Healthy Eat Fresh will be serving a variety of menus, which include, Lebanese, Indian, Italian, Chinese and American food, where quality be given the first priority. Understanding the skills that will be used to meet and exceed the customers’ expectations is important in building a market base (Shiring, Jardine and Mills 69). Therefore, the needs, wants and demands of clients will be fulfilled by provision of a variety of ingredients. Market Situation The market of the hotel and hospitality industry in the UAE is expected to improve by more than 10% in three years to come (Jones par 1). This means tha t more than Dhr 17.99 billion of revenue will be realized from the hotel and hospitality industry (Jones par 2). This dynamic growth in the hotel industry has lead to the emergence of innovative hotel designs, as well as, attraction of diverse talents. Openings by chained hoteliers and local players, as well as, internationally respected brands have been witnessed in the UAE (Euromonitor International Par 2). More hotels have been opened since 2004, making the industry more competitive. Given these developments, Live Healthy Eat Fresh is set to be affected by both environmental and competitive forces. Environmental Forces Harsh climatic conditions are prevalent in the UAE. Therefore, the country is not food self sufficient, leading to importation of majority of the country’s food and beverage products because on fifteen percent of dairy, poultry and sea products and fruits and vegetables are produced locally (International Markets Bureau Par 4). In terms of population, the UA E is composed of a large percentage of transient, expatriate-based workers. The most populated emirate is Abu Dhabi, followed by Dubai. The tremendous economic growth and development in the country has resulted into majority of the population settling in urban areas. The UAE culture has its

Airline industrial analysis Statistics Project Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Airline industrial analysis - Statistics Project Example An overview of the companies is followed. As Canadas leading airline, Air Canada obliges about 165 destinations, in Canada, US, Asia/Pacific region and Europe. Together with regional affiliate Jazz, the carrier operates a fleet of nearly 330 aircrafts. It extends its grid as part of the Star Alliance global marketing group, which is managed by United Continentals United Airlines and Continental, and Lufthansa. In addition to its passenger business in both international and national markets, Air Canada provides cargo services. (, 23.03.2011) Flying to about 60 destinations at home and another 100 in about 40 countries, Qantas Airways is Australia’s #1 airline. Qantas has ownership of the regional carrier QantasLink and the low-fare carrier Jetstar. Both operate in Australia and the Asia/Pacific region. The Qantas fleet includes almost 230 aircrafts, and generates revenue from cargo, catering, and tourism operations as well. (, 23.03.2011) According to the industry structure, based on federal oversight and the size and purpose of air carriers, both companies are categorized as Major Airlines (, 23.03.2011). Although the same industry, the comparison companies’ target markets do not entirely overlap e.g. regional differences, spending power of customers, etc. Their capacity levels are also not equal (e.g. Air Canada operates 330 aircrafts while Qantas operates only 230). Thus comparison analysis purposes it is assumed that the both companies operate with equal capacity in similar conditions. Based on the opportunities available for gaining advantages, airline industry is positioned in the ‘Fragmented’ section of the BCG matrix (Table 1). This explains that even though there are many opportunities for differentiation the opportunity for sustainable competitive advantage is slim. As the competitors achieves the same advantage in a very short period of time disabling its competitiveness. Thus

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

My favourite movie Essay Example for Free

My favourite movie Essay List of Grand Theft Auto Vice City Cheat Codes (PC) Weapon/Health Vice City cheats aspirine Max health canttakeitanymore Suicide thugstools Thug Weapons professionaltools Professional weapons nuttertools Heavy weapons preciousprotection Full armor youwonttakemealive Increase wanted level leavemealone Decrease wanted level Ads Anger Management in Tata Sky+ HD Never Miss The Latest Episode of Anger Management Download Gta Vice CityPlayOnlineGames.Inbox.comFast Access To 1,000s Of Games. Free, High Quality Flash Favorites! No.1 Car Sitewww. gaadi.comIndias Leading Auto Portal. Review, Buy, Sell Your Car Now! Vehicle Vice City Cheats bigbang Destroy all cars wheelsareallineed Strip cars comeflywithme Flying dodo car greenlight All traffic lights are green miamitraffic Traffic moves faster travelinstyle Flying car panzer Spawn a tank thelastride Spawn a hearse rockandrollcar Spawn a limo rubbishcar Spawn a garbage truck gettherefast Spawn a sabre turbo betterthanwalking Spwan a caddy gettherequickly Fast car getthereveryfastindeed Faster car getthereamazinglyfast Fastest car iwantitpaintedblack Black traffic seaways Cars float on water gripiseverything Improved car handling ahairdresserscar Pink cars loadsoflittlethings Change wheel size General Game Play/Character Vice City Cheats apleasantday Nice weather alovelyday Great weather abitdrieg Cloudy weather catsanddogs Rain cantseeathing Fog lifeispassingmeby Speed up game stilllikedressingup Change pedestrian clothes fightfightfight Pedestrian riot nobodylikesme Pedestrians attack you ourgodgivenrighttobeararms Pedestrians have weapons onspeed Walk faster booooooring Walk Slower chickswithguns Bikini women with guns chasestat See wanted stats fannymagnet Tommy groupies certaindeath Tommy starts smoking deepfriedmarsbars Tommy is fatter programmer Tommy has thing arms and legs hopingirl Pedestrians get in your car cheatshavebeencracked Play as Ricardo Diaz looklikelance Play as Lance Vance mysonisalawyer Play as Ken Rosenberg looklikehilary Play as Hilary King rockandrollman Play as Love Fist character (Jezz Torent) weloveourdick Play as Love Fist character (Dick) onearmedbandit Play as Phil Cassidy idonthavethemoneysonny Play as Sonny Forelli foxylittlething Play as Mercedes

Monday, October 14, 2019

Demand and House Prices in UK

Demand and House Prices in UK Introduction: This assignment is about changes in demand and house prices over the last two years in UK. What happened in last two years in the housing market, what factors are involved to change the demand of housing and pricing? What are the benefits of this research? Before going to the factors that affect the housing market in UK, it is important to know what is housing market and also see the time series graph which shows what happened with housing market in the last three years? Definition of Demand: An economic principle that describes a consumers desire and willingness to pay a price for a specific good or service. Holding all other factors constant, the price of a good or service increases as its demand increases and vice versa. Definition of Supply: The term supply refers to the quantity of a particular product that suppliers (producers and/or sellers) will make available to the market at a particular price. The higher the price, the greater the quantity that suppliers will be willing to supply to the market. ( Real estate economics is the application of economic techniques to real estate markets. It tries to describe, explain, and predict patterns of prices, supply, and demand. The closely related fields of housing economics is narrower in scope, concentrating on residential real estate markets as does the research of real estate trends focus on the business and structural changes impacting the industry. Both draw on partial equilibrium analysis (supply and demand), urban economics, spatial economics, extensive research, surveys and finance. ( ( If we consider the above two graphs of housing prices of UK, we come to know that the prices are going to fall from 2007, before that the prices are high. Now we analyze what happened with the housing market, and what factors are involved to change the demand curve in to the left. The factors affecting house prices and demand are as follows. Factors Affecting The UK housing market: Since the peak in July 2007, UK house prices have fallen considerable. The main reasons for falling house prices are: Difficulty of Getting Mortgage due to credit crunch. Low affordability (high house price to income ratios) Economic recession Rising unemployment Future price expectation Consumer confidence speculation Mortgage: Mortgage companies had to write off bad mortgage debts, there has been a shortage of liquidity in the banking system causing mortgages to be more expensive and difficult to get. As people defaulted on mortgages, house prices which had been booming before the credit crunch started to fall. Falling house prices means the loss of banks, because the resale value of the house was much less than the initial mortgage. Because of the bad experience with mortgage companies going bankrupt, financial institutions became much more cautious about lending money for mortgages. Also, because they had lost money, they couldnt afford to lend more. Therefore, mortgage finance was in short supply causing banks to ration mortgages by requiring large deposits and increasing the interest rates. Falling House prices exacerbate the credit crunch. Although defaults are currently low, falling house prices magnify the problem because it leaves homeowners with negative equity. Therefore, if a homeowner defaults, it multiplies the losses of banks such as Halifax. It is a vicious cycle because the shortage of mortgage funds is causing a fall in demand for houses and therefore, house prices will fall further; this makes the mortgage industry more nervous. This is why the Bank of England has extended its emergency lending to the banking system. The other problem is that peoples decision to buy a house is based on confidence. Given the unrelenting bad news, most homeowners will defer the decision to buy causing further falls in demand. ( ( The graph also shows that the demand is changing towards left, it means the prices are going down but people are not interested to buy a home, because of uncertainty, people are more conscious to buy, because the price of houses continuously fall. Future Price Expectation: According to the independent analysts Oxford Economics, prices will continue to fall in 2010.The average price in London will drop by 16.1 % this year, then a further 3.4 percent next year. Property values will then recover by 2.1 per cent in 2011, 8.9 per cent in 2012, 10.7 per cent in 2013 and 7.4 percent in 2014. The report to the National Housing Federation claims the average price will boom to 354,900 pounds. This is an overall rise of 27.7 per cent from today, but more than 40 percent up on prices expected in late 2010. An average London property bought last year for 331500 pounds will still be worth less in 2013, at 330600 pounds. It expects the2012 Olympics to provide a welcome boost. Its Chief executive David Orr said low income families would struggle to get credit. (London Lite Monday, 3 August 2009 Page 15). These two research shows that prices are still going down in the next two years, after that it is expected the prices will boom, in these circumstances people are not willing to buy house, and research also shows that due to credit crunch low income families are also struggling for getting credits. Credit Crunch: The major factor that affects the demand for houses and prices of houses are credit crunch. The credit crunch which began two year ago shows no signs of abating. With declining economic fortunes in most OECD economies, there is also the prospect of things getting worse before getting better. These are some of the problems stemming from the credit crunch. ( Due to shortage of credit, banks are decline in their reserves as they write off bad debts. In UK, mortgage approval has fallen, causing fall in demand of houses and prices, people lose their confidence to buy and declines of profits of banks and share value. Because of high cost of mortgage, people have less ability to buy that is also big cause that fall the demand of houses and price. Unemployment: The other big factor that affects demand for houses and prices in UK is unemployment, after the credit crunch lot of people are unemployed and in other words they lose their jobs, if we look for the last three years ratio of unemployment in UK, we have better idea and we are in better position to find analysis of what actually happened for the house market. ( If we consider both of these graphs, we come to know that in April 2007, the employment rate is higher and in April 2009 it totally fell down. Same case happened in the second graph which shows that in April 2007 the unemployment rate is very low, but after the credit crunch, April 2009 the unemployment rate is so high. In other words we say that unemployment is high or lots of people are going to benefits. This is the big factor that affects the demand of houses and price; a lot of people lose their jobs, people do not have the ability and reserve to pay high rate of deposit or high mortgage, this is the cause the demand of houses shift to left. ( Interest Rate: Interest rate play a very important role of getting mortgage, If your interest rate is lower you have to give back less money if you have high interest rate you have to pay back more. But in last two years the interest rate is going down and down at 0.5%. According to general demand supply rules, the demand is high, but if we consider the factor that is directly linked with interest rate is mortgage, the mortgage companies are badly collapsed because of recession. However the interest rate is low people still not interested to buy homes. The main reason is that the mortgage demand high deposit, people do not have money to pay high deposit, this means even the interest rate is lower but mortgage deposit rate is high, that affect the directly to demand of housing and prices. If demand is less definitely the prices goes down. In this analysis, the interest rate is not the direct factor of reducing the demand, but the linked factor of mortgage affect the demand of housing and prices. ( Economic Recession: Many professionals and experts around the world believe that a true economic recession can only be confirmed if GDP (Gross Domestic Product) growth is negative for a period of two or more consecutive quarters. The roots of a recession and its true starting point actually rest in the several quarters of positive but slowing growth before the recession cycle really begins. Often in a mild recession the first quarter of negative growth is followed by slight positive growth, then negative growth returns and the recession trend continues. While the two quarter definition is accepted globally, many economists have trouble supporting it completely as it does not consider other important economic change variables. For instance, current national unemployment rates or consumer confidence and spending levels are all a part of the economic system and must to be taken into 0account when defining a recession and its attributes. ( It is actually more common than you might realize for countries around the world to experience mild economic recessions. Recession (or contraction) is a natural result of the economic cycle and will adjust for changes in consumer spending and consumption or increasing and decreasing prices of goods and labor. Rarely though entirely possible, experiencing can a multitude of these negative factors simultaneously lead to a deep recession or even long economic depression. Effect Of Economic Recession: Generally, an economic recession can be spotted before it actually happens. There are ways to spot it before it actually hits by observing the changing economic landscapes in quarters that come before the actual onset. You will still see GDP growth, but it will be coupled with signs like high unemployment levels, housing price declines, stock market losses, and the absence of business expansion. When an economy sees more extended periods of economic recession, it goes beyond a recession and is declared that the economy is in a state of depression. The only real benefit of an economic recession is that it will help to cure inflation. In fact, the delicate balancing act that the Fed struggles to pursue is to slow the growth of the economy enough so that inflation will not occur, but also so that a recession will not be triggered in the process. Now, the Fed performs this balancing act without the help of fiscal policy. Fiscal policy is usually trying to stimulate the economy as much as is possible through such things as lowering taxes, spending on programs, and ignoring account deficits. ( Consumer Confidence: During times of high consumer confidence, people are more willing to take out risky mortgages to be able to buy a house. For example, in the period 2001-07 100% mortgages and interest only mortgages were quite common. In the early 00s, people were optimistic about the housing market and so took out mortgages with a higher debt to income ratio. ( After 2007 the recession time start, prices are continuously fall, people restricted to invest money, because they continuously fall, so the demand of houses also fall. Speculation: Everybody buy homes to live in, some people buy house for renting purposes o get more money and save the capital. But after the credit crunch the prices are going to fall, so the investors are not more interested to invest. This is bigger factor that affect the demand of houses and prices. ( Prediction: From the above information about changes in house prices and demand, I did able to predict what will happen in next two years or more? The predictions are as follows. Because of recession time, the mortgage companies are still struggling for finance and banks are also struggling to get back the money from costumers, so in these circumstances prices of houses and demand will fall more in next two years. Independent analysts oxford economics shows that prices in London will drop16.1% in 2009 and then further 3.4% in 2010.After 2010 the property will recover 2.1%, 8.9%, 10.7% and 7.4% in the coming years. These figures show that the prices of houses and demand still fall in the next two years. Unemployment rate is continuously fall and expected that still fall in the coming years up to three million people are jobless in the coming two years. This also shows that the demand of houses and price will go down further. People are mostly unemployed, and others are on benefits, so average income is not compatible to mortgage deposit, however the interest rate is lower but people do not have reserve to pay deposit, so the demand is going further to fall in the next two years. The mortgage companies are still fall in finances, they are not willing to give lenders the risky loans, it has also effect the consumer confidence, these two factors indicate further fall in demand and prices of houses. Speculation about the house prices, they are further fall in future, investors are not interested to invest, so these shows that the prices and demand further fall in future. These are facts that predicts further fall in demand and prices of houses in UK, but after 2010 it hope the prices will recover and people confidence improved and demand shift to right. Conclusion: All the factors that affect demand and prices of houses shows that prices and demand further going to fall in the next two years, after 2010 it hope the prices will recover and demand of houses will be high. This is the recession time and mortgage companies and banks are lack of finance to support people to buy homes. However the Government reduces their interest rate but people do not have the ability or reserve to pay high deposit and second reason is that a lot of people are jobless or on benefits, they are not able to pay even less mortgage. These all factors that I discussed above are inter linked with each other, thats why prices of houses and demands are going to fall. After 2010 it hope the recession time will be finish , mortgage companies and banks will be able to provide more finance to costumers, the job condition is better, income is high, so people are more able to purchase houses and demand will be high, if demand is high the prices should be rise. References: (London Lite Monday, 3 August 2009 Page 15). ( Bibliography:

Organic Healthy Food In Australia Samples †

Question: Talk about the Organic Healthy Food In Australia. Answer: Presentation Medical problems are expanding everywhere throu...