Monday, September 30, 2019

Importance of breakfast Essay

Wonder why your mom is behind you everyday insisting on having breakfast when you leave for college, school or work? Well she is right. Breakfast is important for each one of us. Let’s find out how? Breakfast which literally means breaking an overnight fast is the first meal of the day. This is the most important meal of the day. According to Ayurveda as well, food is digested best in the morning. Thus, heavy food stuffs like paranthas, laddoos, etc. can be had in the morning. This is because body is constantly using up energy during night for important body functions like pumping blood to all the parts of the body, breathing, etc. Our body is starving the entire night while we are sleeping and using up stored energy for performing the vital functions. Hence, fueling body early morning is extremely important to maintain adequate blood sugar levels and prevent the body from fatigue and tiredness entire day. Breakfast is extremely important for children and adolescents, as children who have a proper breakfast are more likely to have better concentration, problem solving skills and better coordination than children who skipped breakfast. Breakfast eaters are at a lower risk of gaining weight compared to those who skip breakfast. This is because breakfast reduces hunger throughout the day and these people make better choices at lunch and other meals. On the contrary, people who skip breakfast thinking they can save a few calories tend to eat more at lunch and other meals leading to weight gain. The last meal for us is dinner and the difference between dinner and breakfast is nearly twelve hours. A person who skips breakfast, for him, this duration extends up to 16 hours approximately. Our body is constantly at work and needs energy for the same. If we extend the difference between our dinner and next meal, chances are there that we might get fatigued and tired early. This affects the quality of work we do. Hence for this, breakfast is needed. Research says that people who eat breakfast have healthier diet overall. They eat healthy and make healthier choices. Those who consume breakfast cereals consume more vitamins and minerals needed for body function. Breakfast also plays a role in improving mood as complex carbohydrate cereals have a positive effect on mood. Research published in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition states that â€Å"breakfast omission is associated with an increased risk of Type 2 Diabetes in men.† Having seen the benefits of breakfast, let us check out some healthy breakfast options: †¢Oats in milk with apple. †¢Egg white omellete with chapatti and orange juice. †¢Moong cheela and milkshake. †¢Cottage cheese (paneer)/sprouts parantha with lassi (low fat and sugar). †¢Broken wheat dalia/lapsi and buttermilk alongwith a fruit. †¢Oil free ragi idli/dosa with sambhar alongwith a fruit. Breakfast provides essential nutrients so that you can start off your day well and stay energetic throughout. Skipping breakfast will have detrimental effect on health in the long run. So, eat your breakfast wisely and stay energetic! Do you know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day? A good breakfast provides the nutrients that people need to start their day off right. Studies show that children who eat a good breakfast do better in school than children who do not. Studies also show a link between participation in the School Breakfast Program and improved academic performance and psycholsocial behavior. Children who eat a good breakfast tend to perform better in school, and have a better attendance and decreased hyperactivity. Children who don’t eat breakfast tend to perform not as well, and also tend to have behavior problems such as fighting, stealing, and not listening to their teachers (Dr. Ronald Kleinman, Harvard Medical School). The School Breakfast Program provides a nutritious meal to children who might otherwise not eat breakfast, and is designed to provide children with one-fourth of their daily nutrients. This program offers fruit, cold cereal and milk daily, and some Coldwater Schools buildings also offer a variety of hot dishes like breakfast pizza, pancake wraps, and oatmeal. If your child eats breakfast at home, choose a breakfast with milk, fruit and cereal(grain product). These three foods can provide for a good breakfast. Eating a healthy breakfast does not need to take a lot of time. In the next column you will find some quick and healthy breakfast ideas. The importance of breakfast Everyone knows that the key to successful weight loss is a combination of regular exercise, healthy eating and a positive mind. There’s no point working out five days a week if you’re going to give in to temptation and inhale three kebabs and a packet of Tim Tams when you get home. Healthy eating doesn’t necessarily mean dieting, it refers instead to eating sensible, balanced amounts of the right foods at the right times – and that includes a good breakfast. There’s a reason why people have said for many years that â€Å"breakfast is the most important meal of the day†. After six, seven or eight hours – if you’re lucky – of sleep, your body and brain need some fuel to power and prepare them for the day ahead. Like a car, you can’t run on an empty tank, you need some petrol. It’s a well known fact that people who eat breakfast lose more weight than people who don’t and this is  due to several reasons : 1.Breakfast provides the energy your body requires in order to perform activities. Therefore, you’re not so tired and can do more. 2.It kickstarts the body into producing the enzymes needed to metabolise fat, helping to shed the pounds. 3.Eating a good breakfast keeps you full for longer and may make you less likely to reach for snacks. In addition, breakfast is generally good for you. Those who eat breakfast are 50 per cent less likely, according to US researchers, to have blood sugar problems. Consequently, they have a decreased risk of developing diabetes or having high cholesterol levels which could lead to heart disease. Also, some breakfast foods such as grains, seeds and dried fruit provide vitamins and minerals that are hard to find in other foods. People who don’t eat breakfast often complain that it’s â€Å"too early† to eat or that they don’t have time in the morning. Paltry excuses! Ways to rectify this include not eating too late the evening before, going to bed earlier or eating breakfast on the train/ bus on the way to work. Who wouldn’t want to eat breakfast with such an array of delicious morning munchies options available? Uninspired? Try some of these: Make your own muesli by toasting some oats, then adding seeds, nuts and fruit as desired. Slice a banana on top, garnish with blueberries and pour on some yoghurt . This high fibre option will keep you full until lunchtime and the nutrients derived from the seeds, nuts and fruit will do all sorts of good. Alternatively, how about blasting lots of lovely fruit up into a smoothie, which you could drink on the way to work? Smoothies are far more filling than you might imagine and allow you to be really creative. Experiment with flavour combinations, thin out a little with water, milk, fruit juice or low-fat yoghurt and enjoy. For traditionalists, two slices of wholemeal bread with a scraping of butter and some Vegemite or a bowl of whole-grain cereal is fine. Top with honey or dried fruit for sugar and splash over some semi-or skimmed milk to reduce the refined sugar and fat content. To say breakfast is the â€Å"most important† meal of the day underplays how significant it really is. Providing energy, nutrients and warding off chronic conditions, can you really afford not to eat it? mproved Grades Eating breakfast can improve cognitive performance, test scores and achievement scores in students, especially in younger children. According to  a study published in the journal â€Å"Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine,† students who increased their participation in school breakfast programs had significantly higher math scores than students who skipped or rarely ate breakfast. As an added benefit, the group of students who increased breakfast participation also had decreased rates of tardiness and absences. Increased Concentration Students who eat a low-glycemic, balanced breakfast may have better concentration and more positive reactions to difficult tasks than students who eat a carbohydrate-laden breakfast. According to research published in â€Å"Physiology and Behavior,† students given a low-glycemic breakfast were able to sustain attention longer than children given a high-glycemic breakfast. Children following the low-glycemic breakfast plan also had improved memory and fewer signs of frustration when working on school tasks. Try old-fashioned oatmeal with a handful of walnuts or some scrambled eggs with spinach, peppers and a sprinkle of cheese. Weight Maintenance Eating breakfast regularly may also help students maintain a healthy weight. According to a study published in â€Å"Public Health Nutrition,† children who skipped breakfast in the morning were more likely to overeat and have a lower overall diet quality than children who ate breakfast every day. This led to increased body mass index, or BMI, measurements. Considerations While eating any breakfast is better than skipping breakfast altogether, some choices are better than others. Carbohydrate-only breakfasts, such as bagels and toast, can give energy for one to two hours, while complete breakfasts that contain a balance of protein, fat and carbohydrates can keep blood sugar levels steady for hours, according to Try some toast with peanut butter and a piece of fruit or cereal with milk and glass of 100 percent fruit juice. If you have time, make an omelet with cheese, broccoli and some turkey bacon.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Low-Cost Computers for the Developing World Essay

Introduction The tax in all ages of the main themes that ran researchers because of their Close contact conditions peoples, and that in terms of political, economic and social, Taxes are link material that binds the individual government, one of the most important tools used by governments in drawing its financial, economic and social terms used tax revenue first in the financing of programs of public expenditure that has become increasing in moment . Taxes working to raise the economic efficiencies when the exploitation of economic resources and guidance these resources to better use and to achieve social justice in the distribution of income and achieve economic stability where justice is no longer only socially, but became a vital requirement in achieving national security in the community as well. Thus the state with individuals involved in achieving these goals and to achieve security inside and outside, but some taxpayers, and who want to provide services directly in the performance of their pay tax, as expected consumer benefit directly from having to purchase a good or service ignored , so the nature of the relationship between the state (IRS) and citizens (in charge) and they get rid of the legal obligation to pay their taxes partially or completely and using a number of methods and techniques fraudulent by refraining from paid the public treasury, and that means tax fraud . So we look at this study the issue of evasion in value added tax and known shortened VAT, and is a general tax levied on businesses that produce and distribute goods and services, and is the VAT tax on consumption because Stoic final it is the consumer, despite the fact that collected is the producer or distributor. Where the subject will be studied theoretically and problem will be identified and the objectives and methodology and the study sample. Objectives study This study aims to achieve the following objectives : – Get free professions and trades that are subject to VAT. – study the legal texts of the relevant laws in liberal professions and link them to the collection tax . – Get nature and forms of evasion in VAT the self-employed . – Get the underlying causes of evasion in VAT the self-employed .. – Develop appropriate mechanism to deal with tax evasion to the self-employed . Problem Statement Is the increase of the rate of value added tax (VAT), the nature of the political system and double taxation would lead to VAT fraud ?! The relevance of the study The importance of this study lies in the need to educate self-employed seriousness evasion in vat and the consequent negative effects on the financial activity of the State, and comes through definition of this category duties tax and rid them of the issue of inheritance Social which prevailed between groups of Palestinian society, including self-employed before the advent of the Palestinian Authority, where he was in charge of the Palestinian is evasion of taxes national action, because the tax revenue goes to illicit destinations . Literature review According to Smith and Stephen (2007) ,they resorted to some of european experiences of European countries. This study aimed to reviews what is known about the exposure of the VAT to revenue losses through noncompliance, with a particular focus on fraud and evasion,and considers what can be done in respons. And they are follow the methodology to eliminate fraud in the VAT, by used More radical measures within the context of a system that preserves zero-rating include , The use of ‘reverse charging’, by which liability in a business-to-business (B2B) transaction is placed on the buyer rather than the seller. This would deal effectively with the carousel fraud, and by ending the gradual cumulation of VAT payments through various stages of production and distribution and instead collecting all VAT revenue at the final sale, the system is exposed to substantially greater risks of revenue loss through unreported sales to final consumers , With a retail sales tax all tax revenue is lost if a sale to final consumers somehow goes unreported, while with a VAT the losses are limited to the difference between the VAT due on the final sale and the VAT already collected at earlier stages. Smith said that have argued that a longer-run and durable solution to the problem of missing trader fraud requires a fundamental redesign of the VAT treatment of international transactions and this Systematic reform that eliminates the root cause of missing trader fraud would be a much more appealing long-term strategy than the combination of resource-intensive enforcement operations and ad hoc ‘fixes’ such as extended reverse charging, which may provide temporary relief. The study of Richard(2011) , focused on a technological methods in the fight against tax fraud.This study aimed to fighting tax fraud (vat) bye using a technological method of this . So there is a three leading technology-based solutions will be considered here: the Real Time VAT (RTvat ) the VAT Locator Number ( VLN) system and the Digital VAT (D-VAT), There are important differences among them, but generally, the RTvat focuses on securing the tax, the VLN focuses on securely tracing the supply, and the D-VAT certifies that the correct tax is charged collected, and remitted. Richard have reached some conclusions based on technological solutions developed that The RTvat is applied to all transactions in a VAT system. It changes the underpinnings of the VAT, moving it from an invoice system to a settlement system. The withholdingand-remit element of a VATsystem has been effectively removed and VLN also applies to all transactions in a VAT system but leaves the basic structure of the V AT untouched. It simply adds an encrypted tracer code to every invoice. As Borselli’s stydy that aimed to firstly, it outlines the fraudulent VAT schemes that pose the most serious threat to the functioning of the VAT system, and evaluates the effectiveness of the strategies adopted to combat and prevent that type of fraud. Secondly, it comments on the costs and benefits of more far-reaching measures to be implemented in the near future at EU and national level.He follow the mechanisms that fighting taxation fraud as , A hybrid reverse charge mechanism would also give rise to other issues. Firstly, it would lead to a substantial increase of VAT refund claims by taxable persons, who pay VAT to their suppliers (on their inputs not exceeding the threshold value), where their output transactions are subject to the reverse charge mechanism. Secondly, treating identical transactions differently for VAT purposes reduces the effectiveness, of anti-fraud measures , increases the complexity of the management of the VAT system and requires a tough control system in order to protect Member States from adverse effects. Where it was concluded that the need to maximize the effectiveness of the strategy to combat VAT fraud cannot be separated from a broad view on the functioning of the VAT system as a whole. Available mechanisms interact, require a high degree of adaptation to the economic and legal context and must be a constant of the Member States’ regulatory framework. This means that there is not asingle road† to a more efficient VAT system and that it is inappropriate for Member States to simply copy and transpose the measures taken by other Member States into their national legislation. In 2011 , Kaspar Lind , faocused in his aticls on the issues of ï ¬  scal fraud, closing of transactions, and good faith , and to analyse Estonian legislation and the practice of the Supreme Court and its development in the past 10 years, and to compare it to the practice of the European Court of Justice. Given that fiscal frauds are a serious problem, According to that , the payment for goods or services would take place through the bank, and the bank would divide the payment into two parts (the price of the goods or services and the amount of tax), of which the amount of VAT would be paid directly to the tax authority. With the second scheme, a central database is created for invoices taxed with VAT that the tax authority can monitor in real time. Thirdly, separate VAT databases are used that are very easy for the tax authority to access in order to check invoices. Certiï ¬ cation is seen as a fourth solution. Aside from the reverse charge, the ï ¬ rst solution is considered the most effective;however, it would require a substantial transformation of the existing system. The other three models might improve supervision but do not directly ensure a better receipt of taxes. He said † Although they can draw general conclusions on how to act with regard to the VAT system, due diligence may depend greatly on each country’s legal order and practice. As a result, it is very difï ¬ cult for entrepreneurs to operate in different European Union Member States. Often entrepreneurs can learn of the exact content of their due diligence only in the course of judicial proceedings, but that might entail tax liability† In recent years ,The European Union’s VAT system has become vulnerable to organised fraud schemes , so there is an schemes studied by Fabrizio Borselli. This article shows that need to maximise the effectiveness of anti-VAT-fraud strategy cannot be separated from a broad view of the problem and of the functioning of the VAT system as a whole. A drastic change in the VAT system might provide a robust defence against fraud but produce uncertain effects. The study showed the most important policies established by the member states to fight fraud by developing early-warning systems for sectors and transactions at risk. Since missing traders need to enter the market before committing the fraud (i.e. to obtain a VAT identification number, unless they hijack another trader’s VAT number), a sound system of preventive risk analysis is essential for effective antifraud action. Many EU Member States use advanced software for risk analysis and electronic databases containing macro and micro data on traders, including the economic sector in which they operate, their financial situation and ownership, their payments, declarations and refunds of VAT . As pointed Bouresli that Policy initiatives could be initially limited to certain sectors and companies, with wider structural measures implemented afterwards, taking advantage of further developments in IT and harmonisation of the EU legal framework. New types of fraud are technology-intensive: technology itself appears to offer some of the best answers. According to Dr. Konstantin Pashev (2006) , Adopted the Bulgarian experience in identifying the types and modus operandi of VAT frauds with a focus on the abuse of tax credit. It analyses the elements of tax design permissive of such abuses and discusses the possible solutions in the light of the international and domestic experience and the capacity of the tax administration , Where indicated dr. Pashev the mechanics of organized fraud by fictitious export and the missing (insolvent) trader fraud. In the case of fake exports, the exporter carries the transaction on paper, applying the zero VAT rate on exports and claiming tax credit on the inputs, while actually selling the products on the domestic market without sales invoices, i.e. without paying VAT. A safer version would use real exports, but would overstate the quantities exported . The study concludes that the possible solutions should be sought along the lines of optimizing risk management and the principle of joint liability rather than through tighter controls at entry and on the conduct of business. the theoretical framework and methodology of the study : VAT(Value-Added Tax) is a tax that’s charged on most goods and services that VAT-registered businesses provide in the UK. It’s also charged on goods and some services that are imported from countries outside. Whereas VAT fraud is a scheme through which businesses avoid paying VAT and even claim refunds for VAT they never pay. Such businesses actualize their criminal intents using different established methods. Thus, different types of VAT fraud can be identified, which governments of VAT-administering countries have spent huge amounts of money to investigate and checkmate. review by looking at the literature review of the value-added tax in particular and some of the variables that affect them in general, including income tax, inflation, and the nature of the political system in the country. Since each variable has a direct relationship in its impact on the value-added tax. Independent Variables :- Inflation Rate of income The natural of political system Dependent Variable VAT Fraud In economics, inflation is a rise in the general level of prices of goods and services in an economy over a period of time , When the general price level rises, each unit of currency buys fewer goods and services. Consequently, inflation also reflects an erosion in the purchasing power of money – a loss of real value in the internal medium of exchange and unit of account within the economy as the inï ¬â€šation rate rises, the money demand becomes increasingly interest elasticity, as in Cagan’s model, and credit is increasingly used to avoid inï ¬â€šation, instead of using leisure; this implies that velocity rises at a faster rate, and the growth rate falls at a decreasing rate. Politics system tells you how a society must be set up and how one should act within a society. Except for hermits, this comes up a lot. As for the relationship between the nature of the political system and tax fraud interpreted as the lack of confidence in public spending policy , no doubt that the way to spend the proceed of tax impact on the psyche of financiers overhead costs, as if mony spend in the faces of the benefit of binding it feels comfortable and reassuring , he may give tax willingly , Which makes the system vulnerable to deception and fraud . As for the rate of income is defined as follows , a tax that governments impose on financial income generated by all entities within their jurisdiction. By law, businesses and individuals must file an income tax return every year to determine whether they owe any taxes or are eligible for a tax refund. Income tax is a key source of funds that the government uses to fund its activities and serve the public. Hypotheses There’s a relationship between VAT fraud and inflation .   Since there is a relationship between the level of income and tax fraud. There is a relationship between the political system and investors went to tax evasion, as it depends on the policies directed by the state. The population and the sample of the study Since I will talk about the VAT fraud in private sector, the population is the Palestinian private sector companies, and the study sample will be a number of these companies. Data collection The data were collected from two resources of data: Secondary data* Which is the data that developed for the purpose other than helping to solve the problem on hand? Some of these data are books, journals, articles, website, and internet it’s considered as a useful sources of information for historical background, and theoretical framework. Primary data* Among the choices for collecting the primary data such as: observations, survey questionnaires, and interviews .Taking into account the research problem the survey questionnaire is the best alternative for this research . Bibliography and Reference List Smith, Stephen.2007. VAT fraud and evasion, VAT Fraud and Evasion: What Do We Know, and What Can be Done? 10 Ainsworth, Richard.2011. VAT Fraud and Technological Solutions. Tax Analysis,19. Borselli, Fabrizio.2008. Pragmatic Policies to Tackle VAT Fraud in the European Union, International VAT monitor, 10 Lind, k, 2011.VAT fraud and the fighting against IT In Estonia, JURIDICAL INTERNATIONAL .P.152-160. Borselli, F,and 2011.organised vat fraud : features, magnitude , policy perspectives, RePEc-Research paper in economics . # p 43 Pashev, Konstantin, 2006.fighting VAT fraud: the Bulgarian Experience. #p. 20

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Enhancing Employees Literacy Skills Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Enhancing Employees Literacy Skills - Essay Example Among the consequences of low levels of workplace literacy and numeracy are: time and costs wasted in having to repeat assignments; inefficient work teams, wasted material, poor training, miscalculated finances, injuries in the workplace, unsafe practices and difficulties recruiting and retaining skilled staff (AI Group, 2010). The consequences of low levels of literacy in the workplace are therefore far-reaching. Campbell (2005) informed that â€Å"literacy skills are vital to high performance and productivity† in the workplace (p. 1). The reality is, low adult literacy in general has negative impacts not only on business activities, but on the individual and the country’s economy as a whole. Poor literacy constrains an individual in terms of career choices, impairs a business’s competiveness and thus undermines the country’s ability to compete globally (Campbell, 2005). It therefore follows that improving literacy skills in the workplace is an urgent mat ter. This paper proposes a project aimed at resolving this dilemma and thus suggests a program directed at employers that will enhance literary skills in the workplace. The program thus directs attention to workplace change that can enhance literacy in the workplace. ...Thus the workplace literacy program suggested is one that not only offers literacy training for employees but also ensures that literacy learning is a part of the workplace environment. Employees are not only encouraged to participate in literacy learning programs, but are also engaged in the workplace in such a way that fosters literacy improvement. The proposed workplace literacy improvement project is realistic in that it readily accepts that workplace literacy is low and in order to improve workplace literacy change must occur in the workplace first and foremost. This workplace literacy enhancement project takes the position that a learning environment in the workplace is conducive to enhancing literacy. Thus the re is an emphasis on the utility of investing in information technology and information technology training in the workplace as a supplement to general literacy training and education in the workplace. An examination of the literature identifies the efficacy of fostering a learning environment and in particular investing in and using information technology as a training and educational tool as well as a tool for business operations. A Review of the Literature Smith et al (2000) admitted that schools around the globe have systematically failed to produce the requisite number of skilled and talented workers. This may not be entirely true as a number of persons have literacy deficiencies because they either did not complete school or simply failed to attend school at all.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Business ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 4

Business ethics - Essay Example A person cannot be tortured because one has moral rights. Immanuel Kant is a famous philosopher who proposed a theory named categorical imperative. Categorical imperative is based on the moral principle and it is like a command to tell people what can be done and what cannot. The theory claims that everyone is a free person who has moral right and correlative duty to be compared with another in this way. Kant proposed two formulations of categorical imperative. Kant gives us a term â€Å"maxim† which can be explained as follows: â€Å"A maxim for Kant is the reason a person in certain situation has for doing what he or she plans to do. A maxim would â€Å"become a universal law† if every person in a similar situation chose to do the same thing for the same reason.† (p99) According to the definition of maxim, we can understand the first formulation easily. First formulation of Kant’s categorical imperative is that we only can act according to the reasons th at we want others to do the same toward us in a similar situation, which means transpositonal consideration. Furthermore, the action is morally right if a person acts by a reason to others in a certain situation that he or she has the willing to let others treat him or her in the same situation. If the person cannot have the willing to have others to act the same way that he or she acts towards others, the action is morally wrong. The first formulation has two criteria to estimate whether an action is morally right or wrong. The first criterion is universality that means â€Å"the person’s reasons for acting must be reasons that everyone could act on at least in principle.† (p99) The second criteria is reversibility that means â€Å"the person’s reasons for acting must be reasons that that person would be willing to have all others use, even as a basis of how they treat him or her† (p99). The second formulation

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Policy and planning tourism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Policy and planning tourism - Essay Example Here, we will examine the manner in which the Ministry of Trade and Information Singapore formulates certain economic strategy and the manner in which they are in compliance with the basic economic management philosophy of free market economy and outward oriented economic policies. Accordingly, this paper will also delve into the manner the tourism policies have been formulated so that they comply with the economic strategies to attain robust economic growth in the nation. Contents Abstract 2 Introduction 4 Formulating Economic Policies for Singapore 4 Current Economic Management Philosophy 6 Tourism policy instruments 7 Conclusion 11 Reference 12 Introduction The Ministry of Trade and Industry Singapore helps in directing policy formulation with reference to developing industry and trade in Singapore. Its mission is to enhance economic growth and help in creating more job opportunities so as to attain enhanced living standards (MTI, 2013). Formulating Economic Policies for Singapore The Ministry of Trade and Industry Singapore formulates certain strategies which drives economic growth. The Economic Strategies Committee of MTI Singapore, came up with several strategies to boost economic growth in the year 2010. ... This may be possible only if productivity increases. For this, the economic policy focussed on productivity – based growth. They realised the need to deepen expertise and skills so as to strengthen each sector and drive economic growth. The strategies formulated needed to focus Singaporeans to spend more time on business activities and tasks. High rate of competency and knowhow is required for conducting high skilled tasks and provide excellent service to customers and enable organizations to innovate, change and align strategy and structures with changing market situations (Economic Strategies Committee Report, 2010). A significant goal of strategizing and implementing government policy is by promoting industrialization. Industrialization is a tool which developing nations like Singapore use to attain augmented economic growth and thereby attain the privilege enjoyed by developed countries (Goh, 2005). Accordingly, the economic strategy has been formulated which supports and promotes innovation and drives growth. The policy formulation were made keeping in mind to aid the international community by striving to decrease carbon emissions. A corporate social responsibility perspective was also considered while formulating the economic strategies in Singapore. Corporate social responsibility is a global topic and may be used in diverse manners in diverse nations. Also the nation has less of corruption and nepotism which further helps in driving growth. The incorporation of corporate social responsibility in various business enterprises has been a critical factor while considering strategy formulation for economic policies in Singapore. The trade practices including imports and exports and foreign direct investment in

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Communicative Disorders Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Communicative Disorders - Essay Example 14). Students with a mild hearing loss might either have a hearing aid, or the teacher might be able to speak louder to him or her than to other students. For a child with moderate hearing loss, one might use a louder voice in addition to flash cards or other manipulatables and visuals to assist in the lesson. According to Gargiulo (2010), â€Å"Pupils with a hearing loss need visual information to learn. Acting out experience-based language lessons or stories is helpful. Using environmental labels around the classroom can start such children on the road to learning language†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (pp. 426). Additionally, teachers teaching students with severe hearing loss should be well-versed in American Sign Language (ASL). If they are not familiar with sign language, they should start learning it so they can communicate with their students whose hearing is nonexistent or very poor. It’s the teacher’s job to make sure that these interventions wouldn’t interfere with n ormal classroom routines by making these interventions part of the routine. Parents cannot be left out of the equation, either. According to Otto (2010), parents are a key component in ensuring that a child has all the support he or she needs to succeed (pp. 3). Parents’ concerns must be addressed. Teachers should share any relevant information with the parents and support them in the education of their

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Answer three question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Answer three question - Essay Example In â€Å"Legacy† a pregnant lady gets attracted and falls in love with a hunchback and â€Å"when they went to sleep, she spooned the man right from behind, her ballooned belly found way and fitted into the created spaces by the hunch in his back† (144). The theme on â€Å"Drunken Mimi† is about the romance and binder perfectly employs imagery to capture the love as it would happen though in the most unordinary way. The strange things continue to happen, â€Å"an old male imp walking on stilts get in love with a strange mermaid whose nerve cells prolong throughout his hair. In this strange way, the male body appears to shrink at first, deforming and disappearing while the strange female body becomes a sight of sensuality, creation and continual expansion† (7). Bender brings to life the old story we would hear from our great forefathers. She is simply a legend who makes the readers feel the intensity of such unordinary sentiments, even while she strives to make us feel the triviality of the most strange and astonishing incidences. Bizarre things take place in most of these stories. Quite unimaginable things and events. Yet it is possible to see the strand of human familiarity sticking out of these stories like hair would under an old

Monday, September 23, 2019

Legal and ethical issues in health occupations Term Paper

Legal and ethical issues in health occupations - Term Paper Example Health and wellness form the basis of any society and that explains why health care matters are given more weight including stringent legal and ethical structure. According to the text of study, various laws are applicable to ensure quality service delivery by the healthcare professionals. Top in the list is the law of contract which provides all the terms and conditions of a contractual agreement between two or more parties. It also bears the corresponding remedies to breach of such contractual obligations by either or all the parties. Under this law, the healthcare providers are at liberty to charge the cheapest on their medical supply to the healthcare facilities like hospitals, dispensaries and others with the primary aim of improving the health of the patients and this would not amount to antitrust by similar competitors. This is in line with the code of ethics expected of healthcare professionals that requires that the lifesaving comes first at even no pay then other things fol low. For instance, when a given health officer offers healthcare at any relatively cheaper cost, no entity can seek legal redress over this since it serves the purpose of service to humanity (Judson, Karen, Carlene and Karen 43). The law of contract also assumes that any healthcare provider is answerable to the state at any given time over his/her conduct immediately the permit to join practitioners is issued. Any breach of the contractual agreement by a healthcare professional is a big problem that is severely punishable owing to its attachment with life which is invaluable. The legal concept of tort also affects the medical professionals at large and is always given a serious attention by the society to tame errant medical practitioners. This law deals with civil wrongs that their remedy does not carry with them severe government action on the defendant but is always solved by compensation to the plaintiff and other constitutionally defined remedies. In this case, negligence remai ns one of the thorniest issues with the healthcare providers. In this scenario, the patient trusts the ability and care of the professional with his/health conditions (Reviews 58). This means that the medical staff needs to take all possible actions within their knowledge and ethics of work to ensure safe administration of health care to the patient. For instance in a case where a patient has been diagnosed with a given infection, it expressly imply that the doctor is able to quote the appropriate prescription. In the event that an individual suffers from a wrong prescription by medical personnel, the aggrieved is allowed to seek legal redress and obtain compensation in the form of treatment costs or undertake another prescription from the healthcare professional. This goes hand in hand with the code of conduct within the ranks of healthcare sector which oblige any healthcare provider to act with utmost professionalism and care. Even within the healthcare sector exists criminal aspe ct of the law which is punishable by jail, dismissal from the practitioning body and other punitive measures. As a healthcare prof

Sunday, September 22, 2019

John Galliano Fashion Marketing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

John Galliano Fashion Marketing - Research Paper Example The essay "John Galliano Fashion Marketing" concerns the fashion marketing and John Galliano. An enormous society stun anticipated Galliano, as he was uprooted from his more vibrant previous surroundings. His family prided itself gigantically on appearance and each time he went out as a tyke, Galliano was a perfect turn out. The gauges of dressing emerge when he contrasted himself and his even more careless English classmates, made him emerge and taught him significant principles of dress, which he might oblige sometime down the road. Notwithstanding, he was not viewed as a remarkable person. It was not until Galliano arrived at outline school and was around individuals more like him that he started to thrive. When Galliano had moved from City and East London College, he enlisted at Central Saint Martin's, where he made an amazing effect. His graduation accumulation, titled 'Les Incroyables,' made splendid by his sentimental pizzazz and ingenuity, gained tremendous approbation. In fa ct, his entire line was speedily gobbled up into the window of Browns boutique. Galliano left Central Saint Martin's in 1983 with a top of the line degree and a solid stockpile of discriminating the approval. In 1984, more approbation that is basic took after. His brave reinvention of sentimental subjects and sensitive, eminently custom-made articles of clothing were his trademarks. In 1987, he accepted the 'British Designer of the Year' honor. Notwithstanding, discriminating performance was not matched.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Education in Bolivia for the past 50 years Essay Example for Free

Education in Bolivia for the past 50 years Essay In the year 1989, education in Bolivia was not considered as a right by many people. However, it was observed as a means to control the lives of the masses by the ruling sector. The government restricted the release of funds to education because it gave more attention in other branches of the society. As a result, the illiteracy rate was very high. A country which has 13-14% illiteracy rate, Bolivia is regarded as the worst in the South Americas. The Bolivian government allocates 23% of its yearly budget to education which is actually the highest percentage in South American countries despite of its small budget. However, this did not help improve the literacy level of the country as a whole. According to the Bolivian National Statistics Institute in 2002, the rate of absolute literacy level is about 20%, functional literacy rate is about 35%, with totality of 55% only. There are about 11. 8% literacy rate in men were proven and this increases to a relatively high 27. 7% for women (Carlos Santander-Maturana, 2007). Nowadays, the absentee rate is very high learner for children in the primary school from six to eight years. It is comparably lower on children aged nine, but increases significantly when on children aged 12 (Santander-Maturana, C. 2007). A very familiar explanation for this growing dilemma is that the majority poor families, which comprise the leading portion in the Bolivian people, force their kids to stop from going to school in order to help their parents increase the family income. Similar thing is true to the other students who are in the secondary and tertiary level as is confirmed in Country Studies (2007): Only 1/3 of the first graders completed the 5th grade, 20% started secondary school, 5% began their postsecondary studies, and just 1% received a university degree. Dropout rates were higher among girls and rural children. Only about 40% of rural youngsters continued their education beyond the third grade (Country Studies, 2007). This astounding percentage is the worst among the South American countries and the government is now trying its best in combating this central problem in education. As years go by, parents of poor families started seeing education as a means to save them and their future generation from poverty. But as a family strives hard for survival, problems will always remain as problems no matter how they manage to resolve them. The current economic condition of the family is one of the many causes of their being illiterate. As of now, the literacy condition is getting more and more improved because people are paying much attention in education more than they did before. The government is also in support of the projects to make education better. Many programs are now laid out and are being implemented to secure the future of the country. The Bolivian style of education compared side by side with the United States’ is quite similar in a few ways. As what is stated in Encyclopedia Britannica (2007): Primary education for children 6 to 13 years of age is free and officially compulsory, although school attendance is difficult to enforce in some areas. Secondary education, lasting up to 4 years, is not compulsory. Most education is state-supported, but private institutions are permitted (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2007). Education in the United States is funded mainly by the government in three levels: federal, state, and local. Primary education, which starts from 5-6 years old and secondary education are both compulsory. College education is still an option because there are still vocational and technical courses being offered by the state. Reading literacy rate in the US is as high as 98% being recognized as one of the best reading literacy all over the world.

Friday, September 20, 2019

How does macroeconomics factors affect smes in tanzania

How does macroeconomics factors affect smes in tanzania Essay one talked about how macroeconomics factors such as inflation, monetary policy, taxation and international trade affect the economy of Tanzania as a whole. As stated in essay one, this essay will discuss about how these microeconomics factors affect the small and medium enterprises (SMEs) or occasionally known as micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in Tanzania. In Tanzania (SME Development Policy, 2002), it is at present increasingly recognized that SMEs play an important job in employment contribution, income generation and stimulation of growth in both rural and urban sectors. SMEs can easily be set up given that their requirements in terms of capital, technology, management, etc. are not as demanding compared to large enterprises. SME Development Policy (2002) wrote different countries use different measures of size according to their development level. In the perspective of Tanzania, micro enterprises are those employing up to 4 employees or utilizing capital amounting up to Tshs.5 million. Small enterprises are those that are employing between 5 and 49 employees or with capital investment amounting from Tshs.5 million to Tshs.200 million. Medium enterprises are those employing between 50 and 99 employees or utilize capital investment amounting from Tshs.200 million to Tshs.800 million. The above information can be summarized using the table below: In 2002, the Government of Tanzania (quoted by Aikaeli, 2007) stated that it is estimated that about a third of the GDP originates from the SME sector and employs approximately 20% of the Tanzanian work force. This data shows that SME sector plays a significant role in the economy. According to Morwa (2006), following the privatization drive and the civil and public service reforms which began to take place in the early 1990s in Tanzania, the country observed a considerable increase in the number of SMEs over the last one decade. SME Development Policy (2002) argued that due to the existence of a number of restrictions hindering the development of Tanzania SME sector such as unfavorable legal and regulatory framework, undeveloped infrastructure, poor business development services, limited access of SMEs to finance, ineffective and poorly coordinated institutional support framework etc., the full potential of this sector has yet to be tapped. The anticipated result is to have a considerably increased contribution of the SME sector to economic development of Tanzania. Monetary policy and its contribution to the SMEs in Tanzania: As described in essay one, the Bank of Tanzania is the central bank of Tanzania and in 1995, according to Wikipedia (2010) the bank had one single main objective, which was monetary policy. One of the problems that SMEs in Tanzania face is limited access to finance. The government decided to set up the following schemes to tackle with this problem: Small and Medium Enterprise Credit Guarantee Scheme (SME-CGS): According to BOT (2010), this scheme was set up by the government during the financial year 2004/5. It is executed by the Bank of Tanzania (BOT) in alliance with Financial Institutions. SME-CGS is devised to promote and support SMEs by building up an enabling environment for expansion and making possible access to financial resources, thus speeding up economic growth and job creation. Economic Empowerment Programme (J.K. Fund): In the financial year 2006/7, the government kept aside about Tshs.21 billion. Mkukuta (2008) stated that the motive of the fund is to offer special consideration loans through normal banking practices to empower SMEs, and especially those that are in the rural and urban areas. The execution of the programme is categorized into two phases. The first phase was assigned Tshs.10.5 billion, which were issued under Credit Guarantee Scheme. The CRDB and NMB banks were selected to partake in the first phase. The second phase was also assigned with Tshs.10.5 billion, which were issued to banks and non-bank financial institutions to offer loans mostly to districts that CRDB and NMB banks were not able to cover during the first phase. According to Mkukuta (2008), as of 30th September 2008, loans worth of Tshs.39 billion were issued from the first phase allocation, whereby the CRDB bank issued about Tshs.22.8 billion and 26,384 entrepreneurs profited from this. NMB bank issued about Tshs.16.2 billion and 21,955 entrepreneurs profited from this. In total, the number of entrepreneurs that profited was 48,370. Mwananchi Empowerment Fund: This scheme was commenced in January 2008. According to Mkukuta (2008), since it was launched with limited capital resources of about Tshs.400 million, the government decided to launch the scheme in five regions in the first phase and carry on with other regions subject to the availability of funds. The first phase regions included Lindi, Mtwara, Manyara, Singida and Rukwa. A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) has been signed between the CRDB Bank and the National Economic Empowerment Council (NEEC), whereby NEEC had agreed to deposit about Tshs.400 million to the CRDB Bank as cash guarantee. The scheme seeks to empower Tanzania citizens to access capital and loans and take part in the economic activities of the country. The following are the objectives of the Fund as given by Mkukuta (2008): Widen investment knowledge among Tanzanians Enhance employment opportunities Offer a connection among institutions, companies and corporations that are registered under the Economic Empowerment Act by bringing coordination in their activities, counseling and developing them Offer loans to private individuals, corporations and institutions under credit guarantee scheme or non-guarantee scheme. Mkukuta (2008) concluded that until 30th September 2008, a total loan worth Tshs.143,770,000 has been issued to two of the first phase regions; Lindi and Mtwara. CRDB BANK LTD TANZANIA: Masuke (2010) stated in his presentation that CRDB Bank is a private commercial bank that was set up in July 1996. CRDB Bank is one of the banks in Tanzania that cannot escape doing and expanding business with the SMEs sector. This is because of the intense competition for the small corporate market. Because of this predicament, CRDB Bank has been compelled to adjust their traditional banking philosophy and practice and seek out methodologies of dealing with the crisis built-in in financing of SMEs in Tanzania. According to CRDB Bank (Masuke, 2010), SMEs are those with: Number of staff between 1 and 100 in the midst of them are relatives of the entrepreneur Capital investment of between Tshs.5 million to Tshs.800 million Requirement of businesses loan amounting Tshs.1 million to Tshs.100 million Annual sales turnover of Tshs.20 million to Tshs.500 million One of the problems faced by SMEs is getting finance from banks. CRDB Bank carried out a survey to uncover what was hampering SMEs from accessing finance. Masuke (2010) wrote that the following were the results: SMEs sector is viewed as a high risk and costly to finance SMEs have poor auditing and accounting framework Lack of enough guarantee schemes to back-up financing SMEs Inadequate knowledge of business operations Failure of borrowers to organize and present applications/business plan that meets the banks requirements. Failure of SMEs to fulfill collateral requirements. According to Masuke (2010), the following are the initiatives that CRDB Bank took to support SMEs: Devise modified products for SMEs: The bank developed two credit products for SMEs: working capital loan and investment loan. The repayment style developed is by installments. In working capital loan, the minimum repayment period was developed to be 3months and the maximum 12months while in investment loan, the minimum repayment period is 12months and the maximum 60months. Capacity building for CRDB staff and SME customers: In building capacity for CRDB staff, the bank had to hire new staffs who specially deal with SMEs. Furthermore, all employed staffs had to go through an intensive training. In building capacity for SMEs, the bank offers free business and loan management training to SMEs. In addition, after training the trainees are provided with booklet called SME Toolkit, which can be used as a reference. Increase the range of collaterals accepted by the bank: Before CRDB Bank implemented the SMEs concept, it used to call for just traditional collateral. But now, the bank has broadened the range of acceptable collaterals to include non-traditional collaterals e.g. Residential License, properties with offer letters, used motor vehicles and machines etc. Introduction of customer relationship concept at branch level: The bank extended the relationship concept to branch level, which can allow the bank to build a strong relationship with its SMEs. The SME concept was executed as a project in 2005. Since then, the project has been a hit with remarkable growth in terms of portfolio and number of customers. International trade and SMEs: Tanzanias ability to face global economic challenges depends on the stage of development of its SMEs. According to OECD Bologna conference (2000), there are four requirements for development of competitive SMEs that meet the criteria to get involved in cross-border business: Provision of effective business support services Availability of long-term finance Availability of a good state of information and communication technology infrastructure Existence of appropriate social capital The following are the strategies that SMEs can adopt when involving in international activities (Young, 1987): Exporting Foreign direct investments (FDI) Strategic alliance Joint ventures Licensing, etc. According to Saiguran (2007), some of the problems that SMEs in Tanzania face include: Lack of appropriate information, knowledge and skills Challenge of small and competitive domestic market Inadequate and inefficient infrastructural facilities Multiplicity of taxes The following are some of the initiatives that were set up in order to promote international trade in Tanzania: The Board of External Trade (BET): This scheme was set up in 1978. The scheme is responsible for: International markets searching Synchronizing foreign businesses requiring to trade in Tanzania Sorting out and helping out involvement in overseas trade fairs, exhibitions, and missions Carrying out Research and Development on external trade According to BET (2007), since the time the scheme was set up, it has been synchronizing and carrying out training programmes in all areas of international trade, holding specialized exhibitions and carrying out market research. Mini-Tiger Plan 2020: this scheme is fed into the National Strategy for Growth and Reduction of Poverty (NSGRP). According to Aikaeli (2007), this scheme is responsible for: Promote competitiveness of Tanzanian products on the global markets Promote exports Create special economic zones. The zones that were created included: Tanzania Export Processing Zones, which was set up by the parliament Act of 2002 and Zanzibar Free Trade Economic Zones Authority (ZFTEZA), which was created in 1992 SMEs Export Credit Guarantee Scheme: this scheme was set up in 2003 by the government of Tanzania through the central bank. The aim of the scheme is to facilitate export trade. According to BOT (2006), the scheme is geared to support SMEs in line with the National SMEs Development Policy. In order to assist the mentioned above scheme in minimizing problems that are affect by SMEs in relation to international trade, the government in collaboration with private non-governmental organization (NGOs) organizes workshops and seminars to sensitize and educate people on how to cope with the existing global challenges. For example, SMEs Competitive Facility (SCF) of Tanzania organized a course with jingle Track IT, Trace IT Tanzania: Competitiveness for Tanzania. According to SCF (2006), SCF grants opportunity for businesses that desire to build up or add to their ability to trade and export. Regardless of all the problems that SMEs face in Tanzania in relation to international trade (Aikaeli, 2007), SMEs still have the potential to effectively compete and gain the benefits of the rapid expending international trade. AMKA: DAR-ES-SALAAM, TANZANIA Tomesen and Gibson (1998) stated that AMKA is a Swahili word meaning awareness or awaken. It is an NGO in Tanzania which specializes in export and marketing-oriented business development services (BDS) to Tanzania SMEs. AMKA was founded in 1994. Its main goal is to: Increase the incomes and numbers of Tanzanians (employees and/or producers) involved in exportsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ [And] increase the value of agricultural output in Tanzania via exportsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. (Tomesen and Gibson, 1998) In other words, Tomesen and Gibson (1998) wrote AMKAs export/market-focuses technique is to improve business performance by increasing efficiency and turnover through improved access to new markets (domestic and foreign). In quest of the goal, AMKA carries out a variety of activities that target the SME sector. These create a balancing market/export-focused portfolio of services and can basically be categorized into two groups: Training and advisory services providing training in small business development skills and business planning for export. Trade promotion and intermediary services AMKA acts as an agent between producers and customers. It offers market information on export, assist producers who need export facilities and eases the connection between the producers and alternative trade organizations, which are the customers. AMKA also helps producers and intermediary organizations to take part in trade fairs and offer ethical and quality standard audits of producers for external customers and carries out market research AMKAs key income source is the Department for International Development (DFID). In 1994, it endorsed a 4 year funding of $557,053, which was to assist in forming the organization (AMKA). Nevertheless, the awareness strategy of lessening reliance on one donor has been successful. Reliance on DFID funding has lessened from 94% in 1994/5 to 40% IN 1997/8. Important funds from other donors began to enter into the organization. The percentage of internally generated funds has risen from 5% in 1994/95 to 41% in 1997/98. According to Tomesen and Gibson (1998), AMKA successfully serves two groups of customers: SMEs in Tanzania Overseas customers These customers are mainly in two sectors: food-processing and handicraft production. The customer base is extremely different in terms of the organization structure, the number of employees, their activities and main products. The customer enterprises size ranges from 4 to 446 employees. Customer enterprises have a range of structures of ownership, which include: producer groups (groups of self-employed people), co-operative societies, privately limited companies, parastatals, and associations. Originally, AMKAs focus was to develop intermediaries (co-operatives and associations) who could, in turn, deliver services to producers. Nevertheless, AMKA has shifted deliberately towards to offering more services to producers itself directly mainly because of the weakness of these intermediaries and the complexity in increasing their ability. In general, Tomesen and Gibson (1998) concluded that it is obvious that AMKA has had a positive impact on the economy of Tanzania in general and on producers, SMEs in particular. Because of AMKA, some businesses were rescued; others, for the first time, were introduced to exports, or had export sales increased. Effects of Inflation on SMEs in Tanzania: As described in the first essay, Thompson and Vane (1979) argued that inflation can be caused by a simultaneous fall in the value of money. Inflation had continuously pressure Bank of Tanzania in the year 2009-10 due to its double digit and is expected to remain the same due to government expenditure ahead of October elections, the anticipated dry weather and the deteriorating of the shilling. The rate of inflation affects SMEs access to finance. As described in essay one, a high rate of inflation restricts SMEs from access to finance from the banks and other financial institutions while a low rate of inflation widens the SMEs chances of accessing funds. Because of this, inflation is considered as one of the factors that get in the way of the growth of SMEs in Tanzania, in a way that it puts off investors. Investors prefer to invest in countries where currencies are stable and rates of inflation are low. In order to help the SMEs sector, the central bank of Tanzania has set up a chain of strict fiscal measures to control inflation. Professor Benno Ndulu, the governor of the Bank of Tanzania (cited by Emerging Markets Business News, 2010), in an exclusive interview in Dar es Salaam said his institution was acting quickly and resolutely to turn around the rising rate of inflation. He said the bank would remain alert against the risk of higher food and fuel prices firing up the inflations upward spiral. He continued to say that increasing inflation was a worldwide happening and that the Bank was working round the clock to have power over money liquidity in the economy as one of the measures to deal with the problem. As an economics expert, Prof. Ndulu suggested that Tanzania as a nation requires to produce more food for its rapidly increasing population to trim down reliance on costly imported food products, which add up to inflationary pressures. He challenged regulators such as the Energy and Water Utilities Regulatory Authority (EWURA) and others to make certain that when prices of fuel at the global market dro p, such positive changes should be experienced by Tanzania too. The Bank of Tanzania also controls the growth of money in order to control inflation. According to Ballali (2004), controlling the growth of money enables the bank to have influence over the rates of inflation. In controlling the growth of money, the bank targets broad money, M2, which is currency in circulation outside banks, and total deposits detained by commercial banks, not including foreign currency deposits. BANK OF TANZANIA (BOT): The Bank of Tanzania is responsible for controlling the rate of inflation. Ballali (2004) wrote the objective of monetary policy is to attain a low and stable rate of inflation, which has a link with the key objective of the Bank of Tanzania, which is price stability. Therefore, the bank has an obligation of making sure that it sets up monetary conditions that are in agreement with low and stable inflation. According to Ballali (2004), the focus of the Bank of Tanzania is on the Consumer Price Index (CPI), which it uses to determine inflation. The rate of change in the overall CPI is known as the headline inflation rate. The inflation rate, not including food prices is regularly known as the non-food inflation rate. Non-food inflation rate is used to calculate price movements, which are mostly influenced by policy factors, but can also be often affected by external factors. The Bank of Tanzania also keeps an eye on food prices and their index. This is for the reason that food prices are occasionally influenced by non-monetary factors like drought and floods, which can have an effect on inflation significantly in spite of the attitude of monetary policy. The rate of change in food price index is known as the food inflation rate. Ballali (2004) stated that by controlling the growth of money supply, Central Banks have influence over inflation. The Bank of Tanzania targets broad money, M2, which is described as currency in circulation outside banks, and total deposits detained by commercial banks, not including foreign currency deposits. M2 is selected for the reason that it is the monetary aggregate that is estimated to have closest relationship with the rate of inflation. Central Banks usually have influence over reserve money (base money, or central bank money), as stated by Ballali (2004) which is directly connected to money supply in order to control the growth of M2. Reserve money is described as the liabilities of a Central Bank, which consist of currency detained outside banks and banks reserves detained by the Central Bank. Taxation and its effect on SMEs: According to Mittah (2009), there are two classifications of SMEs: SMEs formal these are potential taxpayers who comply with the tax laws, are well structured and keeps records SMEs informal these are not well structured and have complexities in keeping records. Most of the micro taxpayers fall under informal sector There are advantages in grouping taxpayers, which according to Kimungu and Kileva (2007) include: Simple to manage. Simple to recognize. Simple to educate or counsel on taxation issues. Risk minimization. Higher compliance. The tax system is unfavorable for SMEs development. According to SME Development Policy (2002), the business community has the following perception about Tanzanias taxes: The rates of taxes are higher in relation to neighboring countries in the region Taxes are many and collected by a variety of authorities including: the Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA), some Central Government Ministries (e.g. Lands, Natural Resources Environment Tourism Energy and Minerals etc.) and Local government Authorities. These are some of the reasons why entrepreneurs are ignorant of tax matters and the cost of acting in agreement with tax regulations is regarded as high. While taxation of businesses is a requirement for national economic development, the current tax system inflicts a major weight on SMEs. The following are the strategies that are set up in order to promote compliances in paying tax by the SMEs: Simplify tax systems: for SMEs the tax system is considered to be complicated. Simplifying the tax system can promote voluntary compliance in paying tax. Mittah (2009) stated that Tanzania has opted for the introduction of presumptive tax system to reinstate income tax, VAT and stamp duties. Presumptive tax system was set up in July 2004 with the intention of minimizing the problems that are faced by SMEs taxpayers in abiding by with the laws of tax. Introduce tax incentives to foster SMEs: tax incentives like low tax rate to those who comply with the tax laws can encourage SMEs to comply and abide by with the tax laws. The Sustainable Industrial Development Policy SIDP (1996 2020): SME Development Policy (2002) reported that this scheme was set up in order to place specific stress on encouragement of small and medium industries through the following measures: Supporting current and new promotion institutions Simplification of taxation Licensing and registration of SMEs Progress access to financial services. Persuades informal sector businesses to grow and be formalized. TANZANIA REVENUE AUTHORITY (TRA): TANZANIA TRA is one of the government companies that are responsible for the application of the Value Added Tax (VAT) to SMEs in Tanzania. VAT was set up in Tanzania on 1st July 1998. Formerly, VAT was known as Sales Tax, but it was replaced because it was unable to create adequate revenue as it was narrow-based. According to TRA (2010) in Tanzania, there are two valid rates of VAT: Standard rate, which is 20% Zero rate, which is 0%. This is generally valid to exports. TRA (2010) gave the following main reasons for setting up VAT: Widen the tax base Achieve economic neutrality Encourage exports Achieve its administrative advantages According to TRA (2010), small businesses are those with yearly taxable turnover of not more than Tshs.40 million. By 31st December 2004, Tanzania had about 355,750 businesses that were registered as small size businesses. This group contributes about 0.44% to the TRA domestic revenue collections. Medium size businesses are those with the yearly taxable turnover exceeding Tshs.40 million, but whose yearly total domestic tax payments to TRA do not go beyond Tshs.400 million. By 31st December 2004, the businesses that were registered as medium size businesses for VAT were about 6,815. This group contributes about 13.2% to TRA total domestic revenue collection. Businesses whose yearly aggregate tax payments to TRA exceed Tshs.400 million are categorized as large taxpayers. TRA has registered about 200 businesses as large taxpayers, including non VAT registered traders such as banks and insurance companies, which entirely deliver free from VAT services. This group contributes about 18% o f TRA total domestic revenue collections. From July to December 2004, about Tshs.2,015.2 million of presumptive tax was accumulated from small businesses. TRAs target was to accumulated tax amounting to Tshs.2,887.3 million, leading to a performance rate of 70%. The key reason for not accomplishing their target was caused by the administrative complicatedness of monitoring the businesses under the informal sector, who do not keep records. About Tshs.60,084.8 million was accumulated from medium size businesses during the first half of Tanzanias financial year 2004/5. TRAs target was to accumulated tax amounting to Tshs.59,212 million, leading to a performance rate of 101%. TRA (2010) stated the following were the reasons for good performance from the medium size businesses: There was close follow-up of monthly tax collections in which the estimated collections are verified by 15th of every month. Recovery of outstanding amount of tax Effective audits Close monitoring of those businesses who do not keep records Tight controls over special free of VAT and VAT repayments Staff training Carrying out of the Departmental Actions Plans The challenges facing Tanzania with respect to taxation of SMEs are in particular to those in the formal sector. Kimungu and Kileva (2007) listed the challenges as: Identification Registration Non compliance Poor of non record keeping Kimungu and Kileva (2007) stated in order to tax SMEs, the TRA has engaged in various activities: Taxpayer education and sensitization Block management system door to door survey Presumptive approach to taxation Assessment procedures Collection formalities and procedures. Conclusion: An assessment of every feature involved in macro-economy i.e. inflation affects, implications of taxation, role of monetary policy and role of international trade suggest variable results. Research has revealed that the SME sector plays a significant role in the economy of Tanzania. The results showed that a third of the GDP originates from the SME sector and employs approximately 20% of the Tanzanian work force. Research has also shown that SME sector has many challenges, which need to be addressed effectively. Given the significance of the sector and the need to transform it to a vibrant and dynamic one, it is essential to put in place strategies that will ease the elimination of those challenges so that it can achieve the desired results. One of the problems that SMEs in Tanzania face, in relation to monetary policy is limited access to finance. This problem exists because the SME sector is viewed as a high risk and costly to finance sector. In order to try eliminating this challenge, the government in collaboration with other financial institutions developed schemes such as SME-CGS, J.K. Fund, etc. which were set up with a main objective of helping the SME sector to have access finance. SMEs also face challenges with international trade. The challenge is caused by SMEs lack of knowledge, information and skills needed to effectively compete in a global environment. Apart from setting up different schemes that tackle this challenge, the government in collaboration with private non-governmental organization (NGOs) also organizes workshops and seminars to sensitize and educate people on how to cope with the existing global challenges. Inflation is considered as one of the factors that get in the way of the growth of SMEs in Tanzania, in a way that it puts off investors. Investors prefer to invest in countries where currencies are stable and rates of inflation are low. The rate of inflation also affects SMEs access to finance. A high rate of inflation restricts SMEs from access to finance while a low rate of inflation widens the SMEs chances of accessing funds. In order to help the SMEs sector, the central bank of Tanzania has set up a chain of strict fiscal measures to control inflation. The tax system is considered as being unfavorable for SMEs development. Business community perceive the rates of Tanzania taxes as being high, complicated and that taxes are many and collected by a variety of authorities. In order to tackle this problem, the tax system need to be simplified so that the SME sector can understand how the whole system works and introduction of tax incentives to foster the SME sector to comply to tax laws.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Use of the Epigraph in George Eliots Middlemarch Essay -- Eliot Middl

Use of the Epigraph in George Eliot's Middlemarch The epigraph is an unusual, though not uncommon, form of citation. It is a part of the text yet distinct from it. White space and specialized formatting, such as italics, separate the epigraph from the main text, thereby challenging the reader to determine the relationship between the two. Unlike a typical quotation, which dwells in the midst of the text, illuminating one point in the argument, the epigraph's unique positioning prior to the body of the text highlights particular ideas, words, or images and thereby guides the reading of the entire argument. In essence, its shadow falls across and affects the reading of the text it precedes. This shadow looms large because it is formed not only by the body of the epigraph but also by the scholar, philosopher, or poet, and textual source from which it is taken. Like all citations, the epigraph creates an intertextuality and a dialogue with another author. The heuristic function of the epigraph may seem relatively simple when looking at a journal article that begins w...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Prejudice in Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen and To Kill a Mockingbi

Prejudice in Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen and To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee In the novels â€Å"Pride and Prejudice† by Jane Austen and â€Å"To Kill a Mockingbird† by Harper Lee it is evident that both novels are dominated by prejudice. In both novels there are various themes but both novels mainly centre on prejudice. In â€Å"Pride and Prejudice† the prejudices is not that serious. It is mainly about first impressions (the original title of the Book) yet in â€Å"To Kill a Mockingbird† the prejudice is more serious and is shown in a more sinister way, the theme of prejudice reaches a climax and end in shocking and drastic results. â€Å"Pride and Prejudice† was written in 1813. The period of the setting of the novel is 1811-1812. The novel is set in England in various places like London, Kent, Derbyshire and Hertfordshire (home of the Bennet family). Women in regency Britain had far less option than the women of today. Most women did not receive a formal education, women were taught to be useful but not independent, their aim was to become ‘accomplished’ which meant being proficient In the social graces such as singing, music, drawing, needlework and literature, although the latter did not have the same emphasis. There was constant pressure on women of those times to marry well, to obtain financial security, not just for their selves but also for their immediate family. The position of unmarried women is clearly defined in â€Å"Pride and Prejudice† there is no instance where a single woman travelled alone, or was without a chaperone apart from when Elizabeth went to nurse Jane. Even then this incident was looked down upon by Miss Bingley, however it won Elizabeth respect in the eyes of Mr Darcy. When Lydia r... ... forced her to, but also because she received regular beatings from Bob which psychologically left an impact on her and made her feel someone had to pay and that person was Tom Robinson. So Bob Ewells prejudice was to such an extent that he caused an innocent man to die, therefore along with most of Maycomb County he has Tom Robinson’s blood on his hand. Both books contain a considerable amount of prejudice, however the prejudice in â€Å"Pride and Prejudice† is quite irrelevant while in â€Å"To Kill a Mockingbird† it is quite substantial. Jane Austen has shown prejudice in a satirical manner while in to Harper Lee has shown its evil form. â€Å"Pride and â€Å"Prejudice† is about trivial themes like marriage, love and family life while in â€Å"To Kill a mockingbird† it is about evil, racial prejudice and discrimination which eventually grasps the life of a innocent man.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Disgrace by J. M. Coetzee Essay -- Literary Analysis

Report on the Novel: DISGRACE by J. M. Coetzee For a man of his age, fifty-two, divorced, he has, to his mind, solved the problem of sex rather well. On Thursday afternoons he drives to Green Point. Punctually at two pm. He presses the buzzer at the entrance to Windsor Mansions, speaks his name, and enters. Waiting for him at the door of No. 113 is Soraya. This weekly rendezvous with a prostitute is the closet thing to a personal and intimate relationship Professor David Lurie has. J. M. Coetzee' novel, "Disgrace," takes place in post-apartheid South Africa. The times swing chaotically in the great upheaval as South Africa's political power arm swings from a white ruling minority, to black majority rule. The power shift is anything but smooth; victims become victors and, likewise, oppressors become the oppressed. As the story opens, Croetzee's main character , David Lurie lives in Cape Town, South Africa, as a respected university professor. He lives a life of sexually fulfilled non-commitment relationships, misusing his authority and good standing in the community to fulfilling his sexual desires, with or without the permission of the women, he targets for seduction. He was born and raised as a member of the white minority, that ruled South Africa for decades during the apartheid era. He has not tempered his apartheid attitude, nor, changed his ways to adjust to the new South African post-apartheid era. He acts on his sexual desires and deems he answers to no man for what he does. Thus far, David Lurie's role in life has seen only a fleeting few personal relationships that were not lasting for any length of time. He has solely existed to pursue sex without any conscience regard, evening seducing yo... ...o Petrus, and agrees Petrus can publicly claim her as one of his wives. Lucy tells Lurie, the young rapist has returned, and he is Petrus' brother-in-law. Soon they both agree the young rapist is mentally retarded. As the book come to the last page – Lurie is at the shelter, and with tears in his eyes – he is carrying a dog he has formed an attachment to be put to sleep. SOURCES, other than the novel: â€Å"DISGRACE.† Ruman, Md. Abdul Karim Ruman. "Is Disgrace Justified?: Psychological, Ethical and Political Significance of the Title in J.M. Coetzee's Disgrace." web: Posted: Jun 10, 2010 wikipedia: web page:

Monday, September 16, 2019

Elizabethan Poor Laws

?Life for the poor in Elizabethan England was very harsh. Unemployment and rapid price inflation increased causing many villagers to leave their homes and come to the towns to look for work. However, they often could not find employment and ended up begging in the streets. Elizabethan Poor Laws, enacted in 1601, were incredibly beneficial in uniting the community to provide care and nurture for the qualifying less fortunate. These laws set a critical foundation for Britain’s welfare system and established guidelines for the â€Å"deserving† and â€Å"undeserving† poor.I chose this topic because it vastly influenced our world today, not only physically, but morally. My extensive research was conducted mainly through internet resources. Thanks to online databases provided by the Public Library System I was able to find valuable primary sources such as newspaper articles. I was also able to find credible, scholarly summaries, documents, essays, and more on my topic, making it much more manageable to thoroughly educate myself and others.Gathering so much background knowledge also provided more validity to statements I concluded and overall information included in my presentation. I personally felt an exhibit would be the most tremendous in portraying the vast research I completed throughout the History Fair process through vibrant illustrations, documents, photos and more. The 1601 Elizabethan Poor Laws suitably fits the Rights and Responsibilities theme. Everyone had a share – rights and responsibilities, from the Justices of the Peace, to the substantial householders, even the poor themselves.The poor weren't just goldenly treated out of the blue. Only the â€Å"deserving† poor were assisted. â€Å"Deserving† – classified as the â€Å"Helpless poor† also known as old folk, or children of poor families and the â€Å"able-bodied poor†- people who could work, wanted to work, and attempted at earning a li ving. It was the responsibilities of the poor to remain determined and avoid indolence, sluggishness, and misdemeanor or else they would be classified under the more dangerous and itinerant group of â€Å"rogues and vagabonds†(beggars and stealers) vastly targeted by the government.Townsfolk were known to dislike beggars and treat them harshly. Their streets had become overcrowded and dirty, and the poor and beggars were accused of being scroungers and suspected of being criminals. It had then become a right, where two or more â€Å"substantial householders† were to be yearly nominated by the Justices of the Peace to serve as overseers of the poor in each parish.The overseers  were to raise â€Å"weekly or otherwise, by taxation of every inhabitant, such competent sums of money as they shall think fit,† however; one of the later complaints about the 1601 Act was that the basis of the law was that it rated land and buildings but not personal or movable wealth. Consequently it benefited the industrial and commercial groups in society who did not fall within the parameters of the legislation and so did not pay into the poor rates unless they also happened to own landed property.The 1601 Elizabethan Poor Law continued with additional variations and adjustments, for example the 1662 Settlement Act, Gilbert's Act (1782) and the Speenhamland system of 1795 — until the passing of the 1834 Poor Law Amendment Act which ultimately formed the basis of poor relief throughout the country for more than two centuries. It was a reasonable and unbiased system run for and administered by local people at a time when the population was undersized enough for everyone to know everyone else and his/her conditions and circumstances.Personally, the 1601 Elizabethan Poor Laws taught me that caring for the poor is a divine purpose in our community today, that it will remain a responsibility to the poor to guide our actions in international development to end ing poverty. This act recognized that well applied, targeted, and effective aid can and should be used to achieve progress on challenges such as health, education, and substantial living in our poverties. â€Å"The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only object of a good government,† – Thomas Jefferson

Sunday, September 15, 2019

International Management Essay

Chapter 1 Q1. What are the differences between international, global, and multidomestic companies? Multinational company : An organization with multi country affiliates, each of which formulates its own business strategy based on perceived market differences. Global company : An organization that attempts to standardize and integrate operations worldwide in all functional areas. International company : Either a global or a multi domestic company Q2. Give examples to show how an international business manager might manipulate one of the controllable forces in answer to a change in the uncontrollable forces. Uncontrollable forces(External forces) : Physical/political/Sociocultural/Competitive/Economic/Socioeconomic/Distributive/Financial/Legal Manager can lobby for a changing a law and promoting a new product which requires changes in a cultural attitude. Q3. â€Å"A nation whose GNI is smaller than the sales volume of a global firm is in no position to enforce its wishes on the local subsidiary of that firm.† True or False? Explain. False. GNI is different from sales volume in terms of a calculation method. GNI is a measure of value added, not sales. And each subsidiary of global firms is also a local company that must comply with law in the country where it is located. Q4. Discuss the forces that are leading international firms to the globalization of their sourcing, production, and marketing. 5 major forces : Political, Technological, Market, Cost, and Competitive Followings are the five change-based drivers that are leading international firms to globalize their operations, with an example for each kind : (1)political-preferential trading agreements, (2)technological-advances in communications technology, (3)market-global firms become global customers, (4)cost-globalization of product line and production helps reduce costs by achieving economies of scale, and (5)competitive-firms are defending their home markets from foreign competitors by entering the foreign competitors’ markets. Q5. Business is business, and every firm has to produce and market its goods. Why, then, might managers be unable to apply the techniques and concepts they have learned in their own country to other areas of the world? Despite firms have knowledges and skills for business in own country, they might not be successful in foreign countries that have their own cultures and trends of consumption. Good example for this question is Wal-mart in Korea. The international environmental defined as the interactions (1)between the domestic environmental forces and the foreign environmental forces and (2)between the foreign environmental forces of two countries when an affiliate in one country does business with customers in another. Q6. What do you believe makes foreign business activities more complex than purely domestic ones? To make a decision in foreign country is more difficult than home country. They not only must take into account the domestic forces bot also must evaluate the influence of 10 foreign national environments. Q7. Discuss some possible conflicts between host governments and foreign-owned companies. I am the opinion that restrictions for subsidiaries of foreign companies are sensitive problems. For example, If a certain nation prohibits funding for foreign companies, conflicts will increase. And complains of foreign companies will also increase. On the other hands, If a certain nation is open to the funding for foreign companies, there will be some troubles with foreign companies about taxes and incentives. Q8. Why, in your opinion, do the authors regard the use of the self-reference criterion as â€Å"probably the biggest cause of international business blunders†? Can you think of an example? If I do business in overseas, I don’t know everything exactly concerning about foreign country’s culture, policy, social situations, economy, and trends. So, doing business well in foreign country is very difficult. Self-reference criterion means unconscious reference to one’s own cultural values when judging behaviors of others in a new and different environment. Managers’ unfamiliarity with other cultures, to make matters worse, some managers will ascribe to others their own preferences and reactions. For example, selling beefs by self-reference criterion business in Muslim countries will be failed. Q9. You have decided to take a job in your hometown after graduation. Why should you study international business? Owing to globalization trends in the worlds, and importance of relationship between domestic and foreign country, we have to study hard international business. I will take a job in home country. But I might have opportunities for business in overseas and meeting foreign buyers. Thus, to obtain other countries values, cultures, policies, and trends by studying international business is very important for me. Q10. Although forces in the foreign environment are the same as those in the domestic environment, they operate differently. Why is this so? I think that domestic environmental and foreign environmental are different in terms of domestic and foreign’s culture, and international environmental. When comparing with domestic environmental, operating company in the foreign country has different environments such as company’s market share, foreigner’s own culture, and growth in global. And domestic environmental is also originated in home country’s culture which effect on the companies. Q11. What examples of globalization can you identify within your community? How would you classify each of these examples(e.g., international investment, international trade)? – International investment : I could feel the globalization by watching the Coka-Cola in every super market. – International trade : FTA(Korea and Chile) is a good example for international trade. This free trade agreements is mutually profitable for each nations Q12. Why is there opposition to globalization of trade and integration of the world’s economy? Please assess the major arguments for and against such globalization efforts. I think that this argument against globalization is originated by the different people’s valules and concepts. This argument can be examined by three primary ones (1) that globalization has produced uneven results across nations and people (2) that globalization has had deleterious effects on labor and labor standards (3) that globalization has contributed to a decline in environmental and health conditions. Chapter 2 Q1. How large and important a role do small and mediumsize enterprises play in generating export sales? The proportion of generating export sales from the SMEs in the U.S.A increased constantly. According to the Exporter Data Base in the text book, Of total exporters, 218,382 were SMEs(small and medium-size enterprises). It is 97 percent of all U.S.A exporters. Q2. How has trade in merchandise and services changed over the past decade? What have been the major trends? How might this information be of value to a manager? Although the economic growth of global has slowdowned in the 2000, the absolute value of their merchandise exports increased, the proportion of exports coming from the regions of Latin America, Africa, and Middle East decreased between 1980 and 2004. The largest exporters and importers of merchandise are generally developed countries. The results of services exports are similar with merchandise exports. Regionalization of trade is increasing more and more. It is accounted for over 70 percent by 2005. Further, South and East Asia’s share of the world’s manufacturing value added has nearly quadrupled since 1980. From this information the managers may be prepared for the increased competition from exports to their own domestic markets. Q3. â€Å"The greater part of international trade consists of an exchange of raw materials from developing nations for manufactured goods from developed nations.† True? or false? Explain. False. This is correct partially. More than half the exports from developing nations go to developed countries. Also, over 70% of exports from developed economies go to other industrialized nations Q4. â€Å"The volume of exports has increased, but the ranking of U.S. trading partners in order of importance remains the same year after year.† True or false? Of what use in this information to a manager? False. Of the top 15 nations, 8 have remained on the list over the years listed, including Canada, Mexico, Japan, Germany, the United Kingdom, France, Italy, and Brazil. However, each nation’s ranking has changed over time, and some new nations have been added to replace other nations that have become relatively less important as trade partners. Q5. What is the value of analyzing foreign trade data? For example, what should the quadrupling in real terms of exports in less than 35 years indicate to managers? The analysis information would be helpful to anyone just starting to search outside the home market for new business opportunities by studying the general growth and direction of trade and analyzing major trading partners. Q6. Knowing that a nation is a major trading partner of another signifies what to a marketing analyst? There are advantages to focusing attention on a nation that is already a sizable purchaser of another country – The business climate in the importing nation is relatively favorable – Export and import regulations are not insurmountable – There should be no strong cultural objections to buying that nation’s good – Satisfactory transportation facilities have already been established Q7. What are the different components of foreign investment? Why has the distinction between them begun to blur in recent years? It can be divided into two components : First is portfolio investment and second is direct investment. 1. Portfolio investment : The purchase of stocks and bonds to obtain a return on the funds invested. 2. Direct investment : The purchase of sufficient stock in a firm to obtain significant management control. Because of globalization in recent years, the distinction beetween them begun to blur. Q8. How has the level and direction of FDI changed over the past decade, both overall and in terms of annual outflows and inflows? Why would this information be of relevance to managers? Annual FDI outflows hit a historical high in 2000-$1,201 billion. However, By 2002, the total was only $647 billion, only about 54 percent of the 2000  figure because of a subsequent decline in the overall level of annual FDI flows. Outflows significantly increased to $730 billion by 2004. The vast proportion of outward FDI, over 87 percent, originates from the developed countries. This data has been associated with mergers, acquisitions; purchasing of companies in other nations. In annual inflows’ case, developed countries have been alse occupying over 70 percent of annual FDI investments. Recently for managers, important issues related to inflows are trend that proportion of Asian FDI that has been directed to China and its territories. Their combined proportion of Asian FDI grew from 52.4 percent during 1985-1995 to 75 percent in 2004. Q9. Why has FDI historically followed foreign trade? What is it about the new international business environment that is causing this path to market expansion to change? Reason is that engaging in foreign trade is typically less costly and less risky than making a direct investment into foreign markets. Also, management can expand the business in small increments rather than through the considerably greater amounts of investment and market size that a foreign production facility requires. Generally, because the local market would not be large enough to support local production by all the firms exporting to it, the situation would become one of seeing who could begin manufacturing there first. Q10. Why has most foreign direct investment gone into acquiring existing companies rather than establishing new ones? 1) Corporate restructuring in the United States caused management to put on the market businesses or other assets. 2) Foreign companies wanted to gain rapid access in the United States to advanced technology, especially in computers and communications 3) Management of foreign firms felt that entrance into the large and prosperous American market could be more successful 4) Increased international competitive pressures also could be reasons for this question. Q11. What are the main reasons that a firm might enter into foreign markets? First reason is to increase their profits and sales (Enter new markets / Obtain greater profits / Test market) Second is to protect markets, profits, and sales (Protect domestic market / Attack in competitor’s home market / Protect foreign markets / Guarantee supply of raw materials / Acquire technology and management know-how / geographic diversification / Satisfy management’s desire for expansion) Q12. What are in-bond plants? Why might they be an attractive alternative for a manufacturing company? In-bond plants, often called maquiladoras, is production facilities in Mexico that temporarily import raw materials, components, or parts duty-free to be manufactured, processed, or assembled with less expensive local labor, after which the finished or semifinished product is exported. Because the Mexican government permitted duty-free importation of parts and materials from the USA within the in-bond plant, provided that the finished products were re-exported. Q13. How can a firm protect its domestic market by investing overseas? When companies face competitor which has lower price advantage in domestic, companies can break this difficult situation by using advantages of overseas investments.(cheap labor cost, raw material, and etc.) Q14. What are the seven dimensions along which management can globalize? How is it possible for a firm to be multidomesic on one dimension of globalization and global on another? There are at least seven dimensions : 1) product, 2) market, 3) promotion, 4) where value is added to the product, 5) competitive strategy, 6) use of non-home-country personnel, and 7) extent of global ownership in the firm. The possibilities range from zero standardization(multidomestic) to standardization along all seven dimensions(completely global). The challenge for company managers is to determine how far the firm should go with each one. Chapter 3 Q1. Describe mercantilism, and explain why mercantilism has been argued to be a poor approach to use in order to promote economic development and prosperity. Mercantilism is an economic system (Europe in 18th century) to increase a nation’s wealth by government regulation of all of the nation’s commercial interests. Mercantilism that stressed governments’ promotion of limitation of imports from other nations and internal economies in order to improve tax revenues; popular during 17th and 18th centuries in Europe. The Paradox of Mercantilism is to be â€Å"rich† a country needed to have a lot of poor people. Mercantilism failed to understand the notions of absolute advantage and comparative advantage and the benefits of trade. For instance, Portugal was a far more efficient producer of wine than England, while in England it was relatively cheaper to produce cloth. Thus if Portugal specialized in wine and England in cloth, both states would end up better off if they traded. This is an example of the reciprocal benefits of trade due to a comparative advantage. In modern economic theory, trade is not a zero-sum game of competition, because both sides can benefit. Q2. a. Explain Adam Smith’s theory of absolute advantage. The ability of a country, individual, company or region to produce a good or service at a lower cost per unit than the cost at which any other entity produces that good or service. Entities with absolute advantages can produce something using a smaller number of inputs than another party producing the same product. As such, absolute advantage can reduce costs and boost profits. b. How does Ricardo’s theory of comparative advantage differ from the theory of absolute advantage? Absolute advantage and comparative advantage are two basic concepts to international trade. Under absolute advantage, one country can produce more output per unit of productive input than another. With comparative advantage, if one country has an absolute (dis)advantage in every type of output, the other might benefit from specializing in and exporting those products, if any exist. A country has an absolute advantage economically over another, in a particular good, when it can produce that good at a lower cost. Using the same input of resources a country with an absolute advantage will have greater output. Assuming this one good is the only item in the market, beneficial trade is impossible. An absolute advantage is one where trade is not mutually beneficial, as opposed to a comparative advantage where trade is mutually beneficial. A country has a comparative advantage in the production of a good if it can produce that good at a lower opportunity cost relative to another country. The theory of comparative advantage explains why it can be beneficial for two parties (countries, regions, individuals and so on) to trade if one has a lower relative cost of producing some good. What matters is not the absolute cost of production but the opportunity cost, which measures how much production of one good, is reduced to produce one more unit of the other good. c. Using the example from the chapter, explain why no gains from specialization exist(and thus why two countries could not trade in a manner that benefits each) if there is no pattern of comparative advantage(if the ratios of soybeans to cloth production are the same in the two countries). China has an absolute advantage in producing both soybeans and cloth. If there is a trade between 2 countries according to comparative advantage theory, United States will have 4 tons of soybeans and 5 bolts of cloth. On the other hand, China will have 4 tons of soybeans and 5 bolts of cloth. Therefore, china will have a loss for their total soybeans compared with before trading the products. Q3. Consider the case in which a country does not have a comparative advantage in the production of a product, such as apples, because its soils or climate are not appropriate. Explain who would be likely to favor free trade, and who would be likely to oppose free trade, in this product. – Favor to free trade : countries which has a comparative advantage in production of a product, such as apples. – Opposite to free trade : countries which has a comparative disadvantage in production of a product, such as apples. Q4. What is the relationship between the Heckscher-Ohlin factor endowment theory and the theories in question 2? It builds on David Ricardo’s theory of comparative advantage by predicting patterns of commerce and production based on the factor endowments of a trading region. The model essentially says that countries will export products that utilize their abundant and cheap factors of production and import products that utilize the countries’ scarce factors. Q5. Why were Leontief’s empirical results considered to be paradoxical? In 1954, Leontief found that the U.S. (the most capital-abundant country in the world by any criteria) exported labor-intensive commodities and imported capital-intensive commodities, in contradiction with Heckscher-Ohlin theory. Q6. Why does most of the world’s international trade take place between economies that are similar in their level of economic development? According to the Linder’s demand-oriented theory, The reason is 1) income levels of both nations 2) overlapping demand. Because an entrepreneur will produce goods to meet demand, the kinds of products manufactured reflect the country’s level of income per capital. Goods produced for domestic  consumption will eventually be exported, due to similarity of income levels and therefore demand in other countries. Q7. Name some products that you believe have passed through the four stages of the international product life cycle. Telegraphy. I read recently how Western Union sent the last telex / telegram in 2006, so that definitely qualifies to decline. You can literally see how this expanded based upon rail and cable laying; and didn’t start in all places on earth (let alone a single country) simultaneously; and continued to be a viable business in some countries long after voice, fax, then email and SMS replaced such. Q8. What factors increase the cost of trading goods and services across borders? Can these costs be reduced? How? I think that import/export tariffs, subsidies, expensive transaction costs, and etc are factors which increase the cost of trading goods and services across borders. This factors which occur costs can be reduced by free trade agreements(FTA) or regional trade agreements such as NAFTA, EU. It will reduce unnecessary costs and encourage trading among nations. Q9. It seems that free, unrestricted international trade, in which each nation produces and exports products for which it has a comparative advantage, will enable everyone to have a higher level of living. Why, then, does every country have import duty restrictions? Because many nation did not produce other nation’s product and the nation has lower qualities or a lot of cost better than other nation’s product. In case that many nation needs other nation’s product. At the trading among the nations, there are a lot of problems. For example, economical, historical problems, political and so on. If a nation has infant industry. For example, farming which is needed to develop for domestic market, The nation can be protect the industry from competitive companies by having import duty restrictions. And then, their nation’s infrastructure can be collapse. For  fair competition, nation have to improve the balance of the trading. Q10. â€Å"We certainly need defense industries, and we must protect them from import competition by placing restrictions on competitive imports.† True or false? Is there an alternative to trade restrictions that might make more economic sense? I think that it may be not true. All is not certainly, If nation’s competitive industry help income of nation that select and improve nation’s industry. A nation trading needs of basic infrastructure among the nations. And then, About tariff of the trading remove or a little portion levy. Q11. Suppose that a country negotiates an agreement with its trade partners to restrict its imports through voluntary export restrictions(VERs). What impacts might be expected from implementing such VERs? VER(Voluntary Export Restriction) mean’s that exporting nation restricted quantities of export and list of article. In case that at nation’s exporting product surplus or insufficiency in a given situation. In a surplus situation, nation should be restricted for their quantities. In a insufficiency situation, nation make some increasing demand and higher cost. Q12. â€Å"Workers are paid $20 an hour in the United States but only $4 in Taiwan. Of course we can’t compete. We need to protect our jobs from cheap foreign labor.† What are some possible problems with this statement? In a given situation, cheaper product come round in our nation. At the same time, our nation’s job of labor disappeared. LDC(Lower Develope Country) has cheaper wage that supply more profi better than industrialization nation. But Many industrialization nation has higher wage and lower productivity. Production costs may actually be higher in a low-wage. Q13. There are two general classifications of import duties : tariff and non-tariff barriers. a. Describe the various types of tariff barriers. An ad valorem tariff is a set percentage of the value of the good that is being imported. Sometimes these are problematic, as when the international price of a good falls, so does the tariff, and domestic industries become more vulnerable to competition. Conversely, when the price of a good rises on the international market so does the tariff, but a country is often less interested in protection when the price is higher. A specific tariff, is a tariff of a specific amount of money that does not vary with the price of the good. These tariffs are vulnerable to changes in the market or inflation unless updated periodically. A revenue tariff is a set of rates designed primarily to raise money for the government. A tariff on coffee imports imposed by countries where coffee cannot be grown, for example raises a steady flow of revenue. A protective tariff is intended to artificially inflate prices of imports and protect domestic industries from foreign competition (see also effective rate of protection,) especially from competitors whose host nations allow them to operate under conditions that are illegal in the protected nation, or who subsidize their exports. b. What are some of the nontariff barriers? Non-tariff barriers may also be in the form of product standards and technical regulations, which may dictate particular manufacturing guidelines or product specifications. If products do not meet the given requirements, they will face an import ban. Examples of this sort are the European Union restrictions on genetically-modified organisms or beef treated with growth hormones. Q14. â€Å"A firm entering the market first will soon dominate it, and the large market share it acquires will enable it to obtain the benefits of economies of scale.† True or false? Remember that there are at least two studies showing that first movers held large market shares. True. First-mover advantage theory is economic and strategic advantage gained by being the first company to enter an industry. However, If only the firm possess core strategies such as superior technology, knowledge about local market, and other advantages over indigenous firms. It could be failure that you awkwardly enter the market for the first mover without these strategies. This conclusion will bring about more advantage opportunities to the second mover who has been indirectly experienced the failure of first mover. It is never true that only the first mover strategy is the best theory. Q15. According to theories presented in this chapter, why do companies engage in foreign direct investment? For defensive reason, Refer to the international product life cycle theory. International investement as well as international trade. Refer to the eclectic theory of international production, the company must have location and ownership advantages to invest in a foreign plant. It will invest where it is most profitable in internalize. It is monopolistic advantage. Chapter 4 Q1. What are some reasons that business people should be aware of important international institutions? International institutions have resolved conflicts among nations. It is very important to make business internationally. International institutions has also valuable data which apply to business. Q2. Even though the UN is best known for peace keeping missions, it has many agencies involved in activities affecting business. In your judgement, do these activities justify support for the UN? Would it be better if the activities of these agencies were done by private entities such as trade groups? The UN has helped some countries which need support to make their industry by funding and teaching knowledges. This activities justify support for the UN because UN has a number of informations which is originated by connections of other counties. Q3. How did the WTO come into existence? What purpose does it serve? Would bilateral trading agreements work better than the multilateral WTO approach? The Bretton Woods Conference of 1944 proposed the creation of an International Trade Organization (ITO) to establish rules and regulations for trade between countries. The ITO charter was agreed at the UN Conference on Trade and Employment in Havana in March 1948, but was blocked by the U.S. Senate (WTO, 2004b). Some historians have argued that the failure may have resulted from fears within the American business community that the International Trade Organization could be used to regulate, rather than liberate, big business (Lisa Wilkins, 1997; Helen Milner 1993). Only one element of the ITO survived: the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). Seven rounds of negotiations occurred under GATT before the eighth round – the Uruguay Round – concluded in 1995 with the establishment of the WTO as the GATT’s replacement. The GATT principles and agreements were adopted by the WTO, which was charged with administering and extending them. Unlike the GATT, the WTO has a substantial institutional structure. I think that the multilateral trading agreements is better than bilateral trading agreements because there will be no discrimination to all WTO members. Q4. What are the four main organs of the EU, and what is the purpose of each? 1. European Parliament: to pass European laws, voice of the European people in EU 2. Council of European Union: policy setting, voice of the member states, where decisions on foreign policy and security issues are made 3. European Commission: represents the interest of Europe as a whole, runs the day to day operations of EU 4. European Court of Justice: court that decides cases related to EU policies Q5. What is the impact of the EU on business? The European Union has had a significant influence on international trade, especially in respect of the countries that are member states in the Union. Internally, trading between the member states within the European Union has become less restrictive, because of the laws and regulations passed. Globally, the European Union has created a power that can compete internationally with superpowers such as the United States. Q6. The U.S. Congress approved the North American Free Trade Agreement despite strong opposition from organized labor. Why would labor have opposed NAFTA? I think a reason why is that they (organized labor) want to obtain working visa in North America. Q7. What is the importance of the OECD for business? OECD promotes economic expansion and provides a number of economic information/researches which can support and help its country members. Q8. Mercosur’s major trading partner is the EU rather than the United States. Why might this be the case? Mercosur is based on the EU and can trade several countries in the EU. Q9. How might a small business person in Des Moines, Iowa, who is exporting agricultural products find useful the international institutions and agreements that this chapter describes? 1. To find out which countries is available for a business person to export their productions. 2. To protect their products from other foreign competitors.

Organic Healthy Food In Australia Samples †

Question: Talk about the Organic Healthy Food In Australia. Answer: Presentation Medical problems are expanding everywhere throu...